Fellow Anguillans Residents of Anguilla and in particular the Residents of District # 2 a Blessed Ney Year to you ALL.
I greet you on the commencement of another New Year with hope and good wishes for this year.
I give God thanks for all which he has so freely granted us over the past year and pray for his continued blessings upon his people in 2014.
There is much to be thankful for as Anguillans as we see all around us being caught up in negative energies that are not helping us as a people. We hear about the constant civil uprising, the economic pressures that are forcing persons to react in negatives ways, family divisions, societal differences and political posturing, yet as Anguillans we live on.
Last year can be term to be a success or it can be term to be a failure it all depends from which angle you may choose to look at it from. I will look at it from a positive side a side of success for I believe that the time has come for us to speak positive and to defuse the negative energies in our society.
We were able in 2013 as your government to have a working budget signed off by the FCO. We were able to maintain our employment not having the need to reduce the employment component of Civil Servants. We were able to make payments to our Civil Servants, Pensioners, Debtors and other Agencies on a timely manner. We were able to assist a number of persons through the form of duty exemptions in order to keep their small businesses operational. We were able to bring the Malliouhana project back on stream and I must say is well on its way through the construction phase. We were able to save the Dolphin project. Hundreds (100s) of one day visitors are coming to our shores as a result of the Dolphins being open for business. Our treasury has being the beneficiary of several funds derived from ALHL that were issued. We are in ongoing discussions seeking to find a solution to the long running Cap juluca saga. We are very much supportive of the Zemi Beach project in Shoal Bay and will do likewise with the Solaire Project in Lockrum. As a government we are eagerly looking forward to see the opening of Royal Caribbean Resort a locally own business and government will continue to assist where possible to see this bear fruit. We are optimistic that with the ground work that is now going on at the Reef that this year will see an up surge in the construction activity there. We also look forward to assisting the Harrigan’s family with the Best Western Project in the Valley Area. We have made some significant commitments for this New Year which we believe will help to turn the economy in a positive light. I speak about the construction of our Anguilla Community College, The Carter Rey Road, The first phase of the ATHS, the competition of the Indoor Sports Complex first phase. We have being addressing some legislation that will protect and serve to governor how business is conducted and how negative behaviors are to be deal with. As a government we have sort ways to improve our tourism product especially in the area of airlift to Anguilla and the Ferry linages from St. Maarten to Anguilla through the Anguilla St. Maarten Dock Service. With the strengthen of department in 2014 we would hope to see more positive attitudes being displayed and real quality service being given to our customers.
So with that said I dub 2013 to be a successful year.
As Minister with responsibility for Home Affairs and Education I wish to applaud my staff for the work which they have done in 2013 and would only asked that they continue to be good stewards in this New Year and to go beyond the call of duty in service to this Island.
There is much to give thanks for within these Ministries and I wish to simple highlight in the area of Radio Anguilla- The diversity of programs, Planning- steps taking to improve the service rendered, Lands- service rendered and the continued steps to improve the quality of tools to get the job done more efficiently (I wish to thank the outgoing Director and welcome the New Director) who is now task to take the department forward as of this year, Agriculture- the Exhibition and now the move to focus more on livestock production, Sports – the ongoing work by the department to try and bring the facilities up to speed and the excellent performances from our athletes in all forms of sports, Fisheries –the ongoing training of staff and Fisher Folks and monitoring exercises and here I welcome Ms. Kafi Gumbs and thank the outgoing Director Mr. James Gumbs, Library service- must be commended for the ongoing efforts to draw customers by the various programs and now with the added resource of the IT lab thanks to the Browns, Lime and DITES unit, Our Schools- while they are not in the best of shape a program is now drawn up to address them one by one. Thanks must go out to the Teachers and Pupils for being able to work under those conditions and the results that we marvel over year after year. The D.O.Y and Culture continues to play a vital role in promoting our culture and I wish the new Director every success in moving the department forward. In the area of Environment we have being doing a lot and the department must be commended for taking us to this point of secure the CITES that will governor trade of Endanger spices.
Like everything in life more can always be done and achieve but taking into consideration the global economic condition which we continue to face we have made much with little and for that I am grateful.
Residents of District #2 you gave me the opportunity to represent you in 2010 and as I make this my 4th address to you I say thank you for your continued support and understanding.
I have being giving of my best in service so that we can all benefit not just as a district but as an Island. I am aware that things are hard the cry is everywhere and your servant is doing the best that I can to help to ease the pain. This is a pain brought about through the Global recession which affected us from mid-2008 and as a result of our finances not being properly managed. I came in government to help, to bring about a positive change to the way of doing business and I am today happy to report to you that as a result of your confidence in me Anguilla is on a better footing today than it was when we took over the running of government in 2010.
As a result of outing fires while seeking to steer this Island through these turbulence economic pressures much which I would have like to see achieve for the district could not be possible. With that say however I am optimistic that this year would be a better year and we will all stand to benefit one way or the other.
I wish in closing to extend again warmest greetings for the New Year to my District #2 residents and to say to you that my Office is your Office and effective January the 14th and every Tuesday there after you can contact me at our office.
I remain steadfast to the call of service and will continue to serve you to the best of my ability in 2014 and beyond.
May God bless you and may God continue to bless Anguilla.
– Press Release
(Published without editing by The Anguillian newspaper.)