The Governor’s Office in Anguilla is funding a leadership course for various young people through the Comprehensive Leaning Centre at North Hill, whose Director is Mrs Sandra York-Gumbs. The course, dubbed “Taking the Lead”, spans some three months and is being financed under the Queen Jubilee Fund.
Speaking at the commencement of the course on Thursday evening, January 9, Governor Christina Scott was delighted over the involvement of her office in the course, and spoke in detail about various aspects of leadership. She outlined ten points which, if followed by potential leaders, would be of much benefit to them in their quest to lead others responsibly and effectively.
These points included knowing the importance of values and what persons in leadership roles should stand for; listening with intent of understanding; generating enough stress and tension which would bring about positive change and leadership goals; challenge everything and everybody including one’s self on various issues; and learn about leadership from other persons. The Governor, who spoke on other related matters, disclosed that the cost of the course, funded under the Queen Jubilee Fund, amounted to US$9,000.
Mr Bernard Wattley, a Lecturer at the Comprehensive Learning Centre, spoke on behalf of the Principal and Founder, Mrs Sandra York-Gumbs. “’Taking the Lead’ was born out of the perceived need for youngsters to be exposed to the principles of general leadership,” he explained. “It was realised that most of what was being offered in terms of leadership training targeted persons who were already practicing leaders. Very little, if any, leadership training was geared towards exposing youngsters to this kind of training and that was how ‘Taking the Lead emerged.’”
He said the programme comprised a series of three-hour weekly seminars on various facets of leadership; and the course participants would meet on Thursday evenings, culminating in a ten-day period of practical work followed by a certification ceremony at La Vue Boutique Hotel and Conference Centre.
“We are very appreciative of the sponsorship of the Jubilee Fund through the Governor’s Office,” he continued. “We are grateful to those persons, exemplars of effective leadership, who have agreed to serve as facilitators in the programme. We are extremely pleased with the overwhelming response we have received from the youngsters in choosing to be part of the first cohort of participants in the programme.” He added that it was anticipated that other community partners would join the Governor’s Office in guaranteeing that the programme and the process of nation-building continued.
The objectives of the course are to develop intelligent discourse and debate on leadership issues and other matters of national, regional and international significance; provide an avenue for development for aspiring leaders through specifically tailored activities; and expose participants to activities aimed at developing their leadership potential through the following: lectures, debates, training in areas designed to build the qualities of an effective leader including strategic planning, parliamentary procedure, protocol, etiquette, oral and written communication; speech-writing, team-building, interpersonal relations and conflict resolution.
The course facilitators over the period are Mr Douglas Wattley; Hon Stanley Reid, Deputy Governor; Mr Ivan Melfield Connor; Mr Keith Stone Greaves; Dr Samuel Daniel; Mrs Erma Skelton; Mr David Carty; Mr Gleason Brooks; and Mr Bren Romney.