There is an odour in the air that suggests that the AUM supporters are getting on the defensive. That odour emanates from the manner in which a number of the AUM talk show hosts have begun to launch attacks on the main Opposition Party, the Anguilla United Front (AUF). I use the term “main” in reference to the fact that in the last General Election the AUF garnered more votes nationally than any other party — so I am not making a qualitative statement at all. However, the amount of attention being focused on the AUF by politicians, and “wanna-be politicians”, coming out of the “woodwork” would suggest that more than any other party, the AUF is the main target in the next election. One would have thought that the party in power, the AUM, would get that status — but apparently the entire political landscape is swarmed with potential candidates possessed of the view that the path to victory at the polls is through the Anguilla United Front. It is a puzzlement to a number of my colleagues that this should be so — but as my good friend John Benjamin told me many years ago (using the local idiom): “Don’t worry — dem don’t throw stone at empty mango tree!”
But it is amusing the level of concern that the AUM talk show hosts, and other AUM loudmouths, have for the success of the Anguilla United Front. They seem concerned about: whether or not the AUF wants Victor Banks to be the Leader; how many seats the AUF should contest in the next election; whether Eddie Baird is joining the Front; what dem doing to poor Delsic; what Osbourne Fleming say bout Victor Banks; who would do better if they didn’t run with the United Front; and on and on. Listening to these shows one would get the distinct impression that they actually care about what happens to the AUF. As I said in an earlier article it appears as if they want to “run our party and walk theirs”. Let me suggest to these pundits, and “journalistic impersonators”, that the AUF is doing fine, thank you, and quite capable of managing its affairs. What is your problem?
I would suspect that a part of this AUM charade is that they want to take attention away from their own problems – and that another part is wishful thinking. After all, how can a Coalition that came to office with a 5 to 2 majority be now scrambling to form a quorum in the House of Assembly to carry on Government business? What Government is the Chief Minister boasting about when he can only salvage two “rookie” Ministers to assist him in managing so many portfolios in a modern Anguilla Government? What can this Government say about its achievements after four years in office that would recommend it for a further five-year term? If the Chief Minister succumbs to the fatigue of fifty-one years in active politics, who will lead the party in the next election?
Don’t get me wrong! I am not the least concerned about how the AUM manages its affairs. That’s their problem. They have to fix it. I am certainly not going to spend three and a half hours each night on a Radio Show talking about them. My preoccupation, if I were a part of the Government in power, would be to boast about my achievements and lay out my plans for the future. However, just in case the AUM talk show hosts are short of material to talk about; and since I am flattered by the fact that they use my articles on a weekly basis as reference material for their shows — let me help them out with a list of relevant topics that one of my supporters compiled for their assistance. Here goes: –
• Who will lead the AUM Party if Hubert Hughes decides to “pack it in” at the end of this term?
• Why is the AUM talking about a candidate to run in West End when the incumbent has not yet indicated his intention to resign?
• Is the AUM throwing Hon. Walcott Richardson “under the bus” or are they going to at least wait until he has his day in court?
• Where is Haydn Hughes running: in Road North, Road South, or West End? Inquiring minds want to know, especially AUM supporters! It’s a good topic for the AUM pundits to discuss. Or, alternatively, it could make a good Game Show: “Pick-a-District!”
• Will Jerome run as an Independent candidate; for the APP; or with the AUM? This could also be a great Game Show: “Pick-a-Party!” Or, alternatively, it could be the source of great moot for the upcoming Leeward Islands Debating Competition: – “Political power should trump political affiliation!”
• Who is the AUM candidate for Valley South in the upcoming election — Evan Gumbs or Josephine Gumbs-Connor?
• Is it true that the next candidate for the AUM in Valley North could be another Talk Show Host?
• Is it true that Sam Webster is contemplating not running in the next election and will be putting his support behind one of the other candidates in the race?
• Is it true the Chief Minister is campaigning against Haydn in Blowing Point?
• Is it true that the Hon. Evan Gumbs is so strongly opposed to Alternative Energy that he has threatened to resign if the Chief Minister agrees to certain proposals from the tourism sector on solar power?
• Is it true that Haydn is threatening to pull rank on Sheriff in Road North?
• Is it true that the Chief Minister is going to place the question of Independence on the ballot in the next election?
After my friend dropped off the list he turned to me and said: “Let dem deal with dat for now — and if dem want more tell dem check me! Haydn Black Book is a joke! Leh him come wid dat again!” I have no intention of commenting on these questions because, as I indicated earlier, our party has absolutely no interest in how the AUM manages its affairs. Our concern is how they manage Anguilla. Indeed, if they manage their affairs in the same way that they are managing Anguilla we would have absolutely no reason to campaign. But since we expect that, once again, they will wage a campaign of lies — we must “cut them off at the pass” by exposing their “smoke and mirrors” tactic to distract attention away from their many problems and their poor performance. What can they do in the next twelve months to erase that failed report? Will the blame game continue?
Just In! Breaking news! I continue to say that this Government has been stumbling from error to error over its term, and just when you think they may have settled down another “boo boo” occurs. At the time of writing I have been “pinched” that there is another potential shut down at the Reef Hotel at Cuisinart. It appears that once again the Chief Minister is trying to micro-manage the only active major construction site on the island.
While I do not know the facts at this time I know the pattern. Here is a billionaire developer who has baled the Government out at a time when nothing was happening; spent his own money on a development projected to lose three million dollars a year in its first five years of operation; employed a number of contractors who have been out of work for many years; and you “dig in” and refuse to negotiate on his reasonable requests to have key personnel of his choice in place to oversee his investment? Just because of a personal grievance? Chief Minister this is not the time to grandstand while your people face real economic and financial challenges! Can it be that one of your “boys” did not get what he wanted?
While I do not want our people to face any further hardships — maybe, for a short while, the AUM “so-called journalists” will have the opportunity to focus on the real issues rather than stick their noses in the AUF’s affairs? Give us a break!