Chief Minister Hughes spoke to his Government’s manufacturing policy that is already baring fruits. Young businessmen and entrepenuers have utilized the policy to create businesses and jobs. The Government has been working hard to demonstrate that they are business friendly. “Small businesses have been severely impacted by a tightening of access to finance, hence, we must find creative ways to incentivise entrepreneurs to open new businesses and support existing ones with a business environment that is conducive to growth. Economic growth is triggered by creating new jobs and providing income for employees and their families.”
As of recent, there has been a significant amount of foreign owned projects either under development or in the mobilising stages. Manoah Resort in Shoal Bay is now being mobilised for development while Solaire in Lockrum, the Reef at Cuisinart, Ananya in Meads Bay and Zemi Beach Resort & Residences in Shoal Bay are now under construction. This is welcomed news and it bodes well for the financial prospects going forward. He also intimated that both Cap Juluca Resort and Altamer are showing some positive signs of development and the Trade and Investment Committee are now working through the Memorandum of Understandings and supplementaries for the same.
The global fiscal repositioning is obvious. In 2006, this number of projects brought in over seven hundred (700) Indian and over three hundred (300) Chinese immigrant workers along with hundreds of workers from across Israel, Europe and America. The economy and its workforce seem to be more managed with the new investment in the tourism plant as highlighted in the recent tour of Malliouhana by Klass Fm news on Tuesday, December 10th. The owners of Malliouhana said they will open its doors for business in the latter part of 2014.
Lloyds Aviation is also investing heavily in the plant with new parking and terminal at the Clayton J. Lloyd International.
The recently opened Ce Blue appears to be doing well. All of its work force are Anguillian with only one exception and Viceroy has put the opening challenges of 2009 and subsequent acquisition behind them.
Mr. Hughes said, “There are still too many Anguillans whose hard work and dedication have not yet been rewarded. Our economy is finally creating jobs –but there are too many people still unable to find full-time employment or any employment at all. For those who are fortunate to be employed their wages and incomes have barely budged over recent years, testing their resolve to the limits. However this Government applauds the resilience of its people, their grit and determination is ever present. It is our unfinished task to ensure that this government works on behalf of the many and not just the few.”
Wages around the world is stagnant and has declined over the past five years. Anguilla too has reflected this new global norm.
– Press Release
(Published without editing by The Anguillian newspaper.)