The executive officers of the Anguilla Toastmasters Club successfully completed the second round of Club Officers Training, on 25th January, 2014.
The objective of the training was to assist officers to better monitor and track their progress towards the Distinguished Club Program (DCP) goals. It also aimed to enhance their strategic planning capabilities in accomplishing goals. It was an informative and interactive four hours of training. The training included presentations by the Area Governor for Area 24, Malcolm Jacques, ACB/ALB.
The executive officers were presented with an overview of the Toastmasters education program, an overview of the DCP goals, and a demonstration on how to submit online educational awards. The executive officers also shared their success and challenges. In addition, the executive officers were given the opportunity to engage in project planning and implementation.
The DCP consists of ten goals. Goal nine of the DCP requires a minimum of four executive officers to be trained at each training period. Having met this criterion, the Anguilla Toastmasters Club will achieve goal nine after the submission of the training report. To date, the club has a total of five out of ten DCP goals, and will now be recognized by Toastmasters International as a Distinguished Club. The club shows great promise in accomplishing all 10 goals before the end of the Toastmasters year. The club needs two more goals to be recognized as a Select Distinguished Club, and four more goals to be recognized as a President’s Distinguished Club.
We congratulate the club on its achievement, and encourage the members to continue to work meritoriously towards their personal and club’s goals, stated the Assistant Area Governor Marketing, Dilece Connor, CC.
The Anguilla Toastmasters Club meets every second and fourth Saturday of each month, from 6:45pm to 8:45pm, at the La Vue Boutique Inn conference room, Back Street, South Hill, Anguilla. An open invitation is extended to all interested persons.
– Contributed
(Published without editing by The Anguillian newspaper.)