The Parent Teachers’ Association of the Vivien Vanterpool Primary School held its first ‘Bring Bac De Ole Time Games’ on Saturday 23rd November 2013. The activity was held at the Clarence Fleming-Rogers Playing Field in Island Harbour. It was aimed at exposing children to the games played at the school and community in the past. Children observed, then participated in the games. Persons who attended were placed on one of two teams, namely Tr. Arthwin’s Team (Mr. Vivien Vanterpool, first principal) or Tr. Kelly’s Team ( Mr. Franklyn Richardson,one of the first teachers).
Games played included Marbles, Nicking, Jacks, ‘Slap n Pinchers’, Skipping with a vine, Dog and Bone and Tug-of-War. Ring games included: ‘There’s a Brown Girl/Boy in the Ring’, ‘Look who’s Here Punchinella/Mr. Plumber’ and ‘I Wrote a Letter to my Love’. Additionally, there were lots to eat and drink.
The PTA Executive wishes like to thank the following persons for their kind contributions to the success of the Games Evening: Honourable Othlyn Vanterpool, Mr. Claude smith, Ashley & Sons Grocery, Mr. Quincy Gumbs, Mr. Kendall Webster, Mr. Hayden Bryan, Mr. Wayne John and Mr. Michael Smith. A special ‘thank you’ to the residents of IslandHarbour who came out and participated in the Games evening with such enthusiasm and team spirit. The Tr. Arthwin’sTeam accumulated a total of 50 points and Tr. Kelly’s Team 36 points.
PTA Executive Members are Mr. Glenville Hodge (President), Ms. Atrene Pemberton (Vice President), Mrs. Shanette Smith (Secretary), Mrs. Mavis John (Treasurer) and Ms. FloriviaNias (Public Relations Officer)
– Contributed
(Published without editing by The Anguillian newspaper.)