“ It was a night with a difference. We had fun and we learned a lot,” was the remark of one the parents in attendance at the Family Literacy Night, on Friday November 22nd, 2013 at the Vivien Vanterpool Primary School. The Family Literacy Night was spearheaded by the Literacy Coordinator Teacher Estelle Carter, under the theme ‘Fairy Tale Night’ specifically for parents of children in Kindergarten and Grade One.
The aim of the Night was to promote the importance of literacy and to strengthen the teacher- parent partnerships. The night unfolded with an insightful presentation from Mrs. Vanessa Hobson, Literacy Champion at the Department of Education. Mrs. Hobson stressed the significance of literacy in all our daily activities. Mrs. Catherine Proctor, Reading Recovery Lead Teacher, gave tips to parents on selecting books for their children . Ms. Itasha Webster, Kindergarten Teacher, captured the attention of the parents with a mini-reading lesson demonstration. The night continued with a captivating story, ‘The Three Little Wolves and The Big Bad Pig’ related by Mrs. Tracelyn Hamilton, Principal. Ms. Kenda Cornelius, Grade One Teacher, provided a comprehension exercise for families to complete.
The parents were actively to involved, as the evening afforded many other fun activities, such as Sight Word Bingo and Literacy Jeopardy. Prizes were awarded for punctuality, correct responses to questions, and other raffles throughout the night. Best fairytale costume, was won by Ms. Monique Webster and daughter Hiresha Proctor. The Family Literacy Night climaxed with a Treasure Hunt spearheaded by Teacher Vernelle Hughes, ICT/ Teacher Assistant.
The Literacy Coordinator would like to express gratitude to the parents who enthusiastically accepted the invitation, thus making the event a tremendous success. After all, it was prepared with them in mind. Thanks to persons who contributed to the snacks, namely, Mr. Larry Brooks, Mr. Mervin Gumbs, Tropical Distributors and Ez Oven. Thanks to the staff for supporting the event with their attendance and participation.
– Contributed
(Published without editing by The Anguillian newspaper.)