Mr. Thomas Samuel, a Mentor and Relief Worker at Zenaida Haven Youth Centre is passionate about assisting the youth at the centre and is seeking to assist them through the vehicle of Sports.
Mr. Samuel stated that he is very passionate about assisting the young men in this facility, because he feels that most of them can be saved. Thomas, who is a mentor for one of the youths, said he realized early on in speaking with them, that one of their main issues was that they felt they lacked a father figure and positive role models in their lives. He indicated that although we may not receive 100% positive results, we must put in 150% of effort and passion as a community, so as not to not lose our young men to “the system”. He said that all Anguilla’s youth are the future of Anguilla, and it is up to us all to step up to the plate and assist in molding them in the direction they need to go.
“Far too often, we beat up on our youth.We cannot always use The Hammer approach, because the only thing a hammer does is crush and destroy. We need to find positive, proactive approaches to fix the problems before our young people end up in juvenile centers.” Samuel explained.
Samuel embraces their natural passion for sports and would like to assist the center in having a simple basketball court built for the young men. This does not have to be an expensive project. Samuel said: “In my young days of growing up in the US, in my neighborhood, a basketball court often was simply the paved court and two basket ball poles and nets on either end. This is all we are asking for right now. Some cement, poles and hoops, and balls.The boys love sports, any kind of sports, and the one thing that I know is that Sports goes a long way in keeping our youth out of trouble. They become bored very easily when there is nothing for them to do, so the idea to keep them busy and active. Keep them positively engaged so they have no time to get into trouble. Sports createsa lot of positive impacts –healthy competition, teamwork, camaraderie, positive attitudes and general wellbeing. Let’s use this and make it work for them.”
Mr. Samuel has started a fundraising drive to resource sporting equipment, and materials and funds to build a simple basketball court. He has already reached out to some persons in the community who have started contributing. He was happy to receive a few pieces of sporting equipment, and would like to ask anyone willing to assist, to please contact him. Thomas, thanks persons that have stepped up to the plate and assisted with donations of bats and balls including Cardigan Connor, Wilma Vanterpool and the Anguilla Volleyball Association.Special thanks to Ms. Jocelyn Johnson for her continued efforts and support.
Anyone wishing to assist, can reach him on 235 2468. He said he is grateful for any contribution, and thanks the Anguillian public for their kind participation.
In conclusion, he wanted to ask for future donations of time and mentorship from the community to assist the youth of Anguilla. They are all our children.
(Published without editing by The Anguillian newspaper.)