A one-day Governance Workshop has taken a critical look at the effective management of Boards and Statutory Bodies in Anguilla and the relationship between them, the Government and the managers of the entities.
Mr Larry Franklin, Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Infrastructure, who chaired the proceedings at La Vue on Wednesday, December 11, said there was a three-way relationship between the shareholder in the Government of Anguilla, the boards and the managers of the entities.
“The purpose of this workshop is to bring all three parties together in a setting that will allow the Government of Anguilla to interact with the boards and managers of these entities,” Mr Franklin explained. “It is also to outline the various frameworks for the relationship between the three stakeholders and for the effective management of these entities.”
Acting Governor, Stanley Reid, highlighted the value of governance principles in the management of corporate entities including Government agencies. “Governance occurs throughout our various systems and entities, and it is incumbent on all of us to do our part to ensure that what is described as good governance prevails,” he said.
“All of us have a role to play in ensuring that good governance prevails throughout Anguilla. This we can do by ensuring that the principles of good governance are prevalent in any institution with which we are associated. Statutory bodies, such as Government agencies, are expected to practice good governance principles. Good governance requires good institutions which set up rules governing the actions of individuals.”
Minister of Infrastructure, Evan Gumbs, said the motto of the Anguilla United Movement Government was very relevant to the workshop on Corporate Governance for Statutory Bodies.
“As Minister with responsibility for the statutory bodies represented here, I am required to play a critical role in the approval of your annual business plans and budgets, and in reporting to the Executive Council with respect to their annual reports and audits,” he stated. “These annual events are enshrined in legislation so as to ensure that these entities are by extension accountable to the people of Anguilla.”
The statutory bodies, under his portfolio, of which he specifically spoke, were the Air and Sea Ports Authority, the Water Corporation of Anguilla and the Public Utilities Commission.
The areas covered by the workshop included the development and implementation of board policies; development and use of the legislation underpinning Statutory Bodies; the responsibilities of Directors; the role and function of Statutory Bodies; establishing or enhancing a Governance Operating Model; developing a Business Plan; and running effective board meetings.