The Anguilla Fire and Rescue Service is continuing to take its training and expertise to a number of places in the private and public sectors to ensure that prevention and control methods are followed, and to promote safety at the workplace.
The latest training was provided for workers at Viceroy Anguilla. “In keeping with our theme for fire prevention this year, ‘Prevent Kitchen Fires’, we created a programme for those employees, Shondell Hodge , Fire Station Officer, told The Anguillian.
“I was the first presenter. I took them through the importance of a good evacuation plan.
The second presenter, Fire Fighter Omari Bourne, gave a presentation on the use of the Fire Extinguisher and evacuation procedures. The third presenter was Leading Fire Fighter, Carlisle Lake, who educated the participants on fire safety procedures at hotels, and identified critical life-safety features to be followed.”
Fire Station Officer Hodge indicated that this was the second time that the Anguilla Fire and Rescue Service had taken course participants through a series of lectures on fire physics and chemistry, fire extinguishers and evacuation procedures.
He commended Viceroy for its keen interest in promoting safety, and he was pleased that his team had the opportunity to work with the hotel’s Training Manager, MrsAvonelleCaragilano, to facilitate fire-safety training at the resort.
Mrs Caragliano had this to say:
“Fire safety at work is everyone’s business. The key to a safe work environment is training, knowledge, and preventative measures. It’s important that businesses establish and implement fire safety programs and that all employees are involved.
“Viceroy Anguilla, in collaboration with the Anguilla Fire and Rescue Service, conducts annual Basic Safety and Fire Evacuation Training sessions for ALL its colleagues annually.
“The training usually focuses on Hotel Fire Safety, use of fire extinguishers and the Physics and Chemistry of Fires. This year another component was added. The colleagues are also being trained on Kitchen fires, their causes and how to prevent them from occurring. The interactive training sessions include both theory and practical components. Colleagues are also reminded that this training is applicable in a home setting.”
The training was held on Thursday, December 5, at the tourism property.