By the end of this week, the concept or framework of the Child Friendly Schools will have been introduced in all the Primary Schools in Anguilla.
It has already been implemented at the Orealia Kelly and Vivien Vanterpool Primary Schools. At a workshop this week, the framework was introduced to the four other primary schools: Alwyn A Richardson, Adrian T Hazell, Valley and Morris Vanterpool. The workshop was conducted by Mrs Melena Fontane,a School Psychologist in Dominica now Acting Chief Education Officer.

Mr Charles Connor, Education Officer, Professional Development, welcomed the workshop facilitator on behalf of the Ministry and Department of Education. “I am mindful of the fact that most of you are probably at saturation point with the number of workshops that we have been having,” he stated. “However, we can all agree that as teachers and educators, there is the need to be engaged in professional and personal development.

“The ultimate aim and goal of all the workshops, that are conducted by the ministry and the department, is that there should be improved teaching and learning in the classroom. It is hoped that what is taught and learnt over the next two days would be transferred to the classroom where it would impact and improve both your teaching and the learning of our students.”
Mrs Chanelle Petty Barrett, Permanent Secretary Education, declared the workshop open. “Our presence here would not have been possible without the kind assistance of UNICEF so I want to place on record, upfront, the ministry’s gratitude to UNICEF for making this happen,” she said, in part, to the teachers.
“The Child Friendly Schools programme was developed by UNICEF and it is based on the recognition that “the school is a significant, personal and social environment in the lives of its students. A Child Friendly School ensures that every child has an environment that is physically safe, emotionally secure and psychologically enabling.”
Mrs Petty Barrett continued: “I think one of the more important characteristics of a Child Friendly School is that it is a child-centred school. This means that school leadership and …other support staff, as well, act in the best interest of the child leading to the realisation of the child’s full potential.The school should be concerned with the whole child. This includes the child’s health, nutritional status and general wellbeing. The school should also be concerned about what happens to the child and its family as well as in the community.
“I think this is an opportunity for all of us to reflect on our practices, whether we are in administration leadership or in the classroom. We need to determine for ourselves whether what we do meets the standard of a Child Friendly School. Where we fall short, I think it is important that we all commit to the necessary improvement. Our children deserve it.”
In a release preceding the workshop, the Department of Education stated: “Child Friendly Schools is a framework which seeks to help schools and educational systems progressively move towards the implementation of quality standards. These standards are aimed at addressing all the elements that influence the wellbeing and rights of children as learners. The basic goal of Child Friendly Schools is to create positive, safe, healthy learning environments where all children reach their full potential.”