With gracious collaboration of Mr. Edwin Harris and his colleagues in the Anguilla Air and Sea Port Authority, Mr. Lorin Richardson led his team in a patriotic contribution of talents, time and materials to create a modest, elegant space for guests to pause for a brochure or help find the best beach, cuisine or accommodations based on their preferences. The desk will have a plant, brochure stand, and two tall chairs to rest briefly on their way. In turn, Mr. Ron Webster of Ron’s Sign Shop is donating two distinctive signs. These will bring the desk to guests’ attention before turning the corner toward the door.
The Chamber of Commerce and ClienTell Consulting, LLC are also working to register various restaurant, spa, gallery/gift merchants, and accommodations businesses in a Welcome Gift programme by December 15. When staffed, the Welcome desk team will give guests a sampling of beverage, spa services, merchant offerings and/or VIP hotel visit vouchers. The intent is to build tourists’ loyalty and invite day trippers to return as overnight tourists to Anguilla.
Many tourists may have been awake since the middle of the night back home – and those from further distances may have spent the night on a connecting “red-eye” flight from the day before. The Welcome desk and gift vouchers will give our guests a brief rest, a cordial start to their visit, and a reason to venture beyond just sitting on a beach. Ideally, these will also give them many reasons to tweet, fill their facebook pages, and tell all on TripAdvisor that Anguilla is open for business and eager to welcome 44 weeks of Christmas tourism to our magnificent island!
– Contributed
(Published without editing by The Anguillian newspaper.)