Mr. Haydn Huges also in Photograph
Viceroy Anguilla, which has one of the best basketball facilities on the island, has substantially upgraded the neighbouring court at the Alwyn Allison Richardson Primary School, now a showpiece of excellence there.
A brief ceremony was held on Tuesday this week at which the re-surfaced and attractively-painted basketball court was handed over to the school. Viceroy’s General Manager, Richard Alexander, said in part: “The surface was donated by Viceroy Anguilla as a small gift to these wonderful children who are going to be future basketball champions. We have adopted this school because it is on our doorstep, and we feel very proud to have an association with it – and the community – and whenever we have an opportunity to support each other, we do so.”
Mr Alexander said that Viceroy was at the time resurfacing its own basketball court and undertook to order extra material for the two courts. The work was done by specialists from Miami who specialize in NBA-certified basketball court surfaces.
Mr Haydn Hughes, Parliamentary Secretary Tourism and Sports, commended the hotel for its contribution to the school’s recreational facility. “Since our administration came to office we have been tying social development with economic development, so it is good to see that Viceroy is living up to its end of the bargain. We hope that they will do a lot more. We are looking at a beautiful basketball court. Outside Viceroy’s basketball court, this is perhaps the best such court on the island and it is quite fitting to be at the Primary School at West End.
“We are very grateful to Viceroy for what they have done. We hope to see this continue in the future because if we don’t look at the social development of our country, then the economic development would be all for nought.”
Chavne Edwards, a Sixth Grade student, thanked Viceroy for its assistance. “On behalf of the teachers and students of the Alwyn A Richardson Primary School, I thank Viceroy and its staff members for face-lifting our basketball court,” he stated. “I think it will help us to accomplish our dreams and what we love.”