(Photos Courtesy Ivor Hodge)
The 2013 National Bank of Anguilla 25th Annual Primary Schools Football Competition, sponsored jointly with Social Security, has ended with the Orealia Kelly School taking first place in both the girls’ and boys’ competitive matches.
The full results of the overall competition are as follows:
1st Place ……………………… Orealia Kelly
2nd Place ……………………. Adrian T. Hazell
3rd Place …………………….. Alwyn Allison
4TH Place ……………………. Valley School
5th Place ……………………… Vivien Vanterpool School

(Photos Courtesy Ivor Hodge)
1st Place ……………………… Orealia Kelly
2nd Place ……………………. Alwyn Allison
3rd Place …………………….. Adrian T. Hazell
4TH Place ……………………. Central Christian School
5th Place ……………………… Valley School
6th Place ………………… …. Morris Vanterpool School
7th Place …………………… Vivien Vanterpool School
The matches provided much excitement for all the young players as well as their families and other members of the public.

(Award Presentation)

(Award Presentation)