Several hundred persons, the majority of them being youngsters, crowded the Rodney MacArthur Rey Auditorium on Saturday night, October 26, for the second regional dance festival hosted by Klassique Academy of Dance and Performing Arts.
The event, called Move Again, attracted dance groups from Antigua, St. St Martin/ St. Maarten, British Virgin Islands, St. Kitts, St Barths and Anguilla.

“It is a good way for us to learn what dancers do around the region as a way of inspiring other dancers – and also a good networking opportunity so that we can learn and share with each other,” Valencia Prince, Founder and Artistic Director of Klassique, told The Anguillian. She, along with Board members, Heather Rodney and Erica Edwards, were at the time busily engaged in the rehearsals for the event.

Closeby, was Amber Woodley who had been the leader of From Within Dance in Anguilla since its inception eight years ago. She was pleased that her group was also among the participants in the regional dance festival. She saw the event as an avenue for young people to positively express themselves in an art form. “We look forward to developing them both as dancers and positive role models in the community,” she said.
“We are currently in the revamping stage and we have a new instructor, so I am no longer the Artistic Director for From Within Dance. I am just the Executive Director,” Ms Woodley added, as she set out to organise the group for the rehearsals.

The leaders of the visiting dance groups said they were delighted to be in Anguilla to showcase their performing skills. Like the Anguillian dancers, they were highly applauded for their performances. The visiting groups included JAD from the British Virgin Islands; the Shiva School of Dance from Antigua; the National Institute of Arts from St Martin/St Maarten; Stephanie (a single representative) from St Barths and Creative Sole from St Kitts.

During the event, Klassique took the opportunity to dedicate one of its performances, entitled Time After Time, as a tribute to the late Linda Lake who was the Deputy Director of Youth and Culture – and was also one of the dance group’s biggest fans.
Indeed, the regional dance festival was a delightful evening in Anguilla.