I must say how pleased I am to be at this evening’s ceremony which celebrates the achievements of so many wonderful children.
Sometimes it seems that as a society, we focus a lot of attention on the negative behaviour of a small minority of our youth. In fact, a lot of time, energy and resources are expended on trying to address negative behaviour. However, we ought to be encouraged that so many of our young ones are doing positive things, and it is good on occasions like these to recognize and reward those who are striving each day to be the best they can be.
In the education system, we believe that rewards work. We believe that children will seek to excel once you provide an opportunity for them to receive positive attention, get them to see their own potential and set high standards to which they must aspire. The number of students being awarded at this ceremony this evening is testament to the fact that we are on the right track.
The students who are here tonight have worked hard. They have recognized the need to set their sights upon excellence and through their dedication and determination they have achieved it. Students, you are now role models to those students who may be falling behind due to lack of effort. That means you have to continue to do your best, so that each time you are eligible to do so, you can receive an award at this ceremony.
On behalf of the Ministry and Department of Education, I congratulate you on your achievements. As the theme for this ceremony indicates, you are “setting the stage for greatness”.Setting a stage requires a vision for what the stage should look like, planning on what you will use to get it to fit your vision and lastly putting that plan into action. Similarly, in setting your stage for greatness, you have to first have a vision of what greatness means to you, then you have to plan on how you are going to achieve it and lastly take the necessary steps to reach your goal. By now, you have would have figured out that those steps involve a lot of preparation – putting in the hard work and effort it takes to achieve success. We are extremely proud of you.But this is just the beginning.
We expect from among you to find Anguilla’s first female Chief Minister, the owner of a five star resort, our first astronaut, a scientist who discovers a cure for cancer, an engineer who can design bridges and tunnels connecting the region (so there is no need for Liat), an olympic gold medalist, a Hollywood actor, an award-winning recording artist and let us not forget the most noble of professions, without which there would be no other professions, teachers – who can mould the next generation. We are looking forward to great things from you.
I must place on record our commendations as well to all your teachers (both in pre-school and primary school), parents and guardians who ensured that you remained focused and didn’t settle for anything less than excellence. Congratulations to all of you as well.
I cannot end, without thanking our corporate sponsor the Anguilla Electricity Company Ltd. ANGLEC has been an extraordinary corporate citizen, and an exemplary partner in Education. We greatly appreciate the contribution you have made to ensuring one again that this ceremony is a reality. I assure you that your contribution has not gone unnoticed.
To our students, again I say congratulations. Tonight is especially for you. Do enjoy the ceremony. Best wishes to all of you.