On Thursday, November 7, the Ministry of Finance, Anguilla Finance Limited and CuisinArt Golf Resort & Spa were pleased to present the Anguilla Financial Services Jurisdiction Assessment appreciation gift to Ms. Soerida Kalmera of Lutea (Anguilla) Trust. Ms. Kalmera was the winner of a drawing held at the Vision 2013:2020 meeting on October 18, 2013. Both Anguilla Finance and the Ministry also wish to thank CuisinArt Golf Resort & Spa for sponsoring the gift of dinner for 2 at the famous “World Delicacies Buffet” featuring endless Lobster.
The Anguilla Financial Services Jurisdiction Assessment gathered stakeholders’ feedback on the present financial services infrastructure and anticipated legislative and services enhancements to address evolving clients’ needs in the future. Participants were given the option to enter the drawing in appreciation for their time and perspectives.
The survey was designed and conducted for the Government of Anguilla and Anguilla Finance Limited by Melinda Goddard, Principal of ClienTell® Consulting, LLC. Industry participants represented both local and international firms engaged in legal, intellectual property, company management, insurance, banking and related financial services provided by the Anguilla jurisdiction.
– Press Release
(Published without editing by The Anguillian newspaper.)