An informal ceremony was held last Friday at the Governor’s Office where Inspector Marva Brooks, Sergeant Crispin Gumbs, Sergeant Vydia Harrigan-Charles, WPC Bernadette Carbon and PC Shem Wills were presented with certificates which mark the completion of a Train the Trainer workshop, facilitated by International Human Rights trainer Pieter Cronje.
The funding, procured through the Governor’s Office from the FCO’s Human Rights and Democracy Programme (HRDP), provided the resources for the training of trainers with-in the police force, the creation of a training manual on police response to sexual and gender based violence (SGBV), and the training of the entire RAPF. The project has also resulted in the creation of a handbook designed to assist and guide police officers in the prevention of, and response to sexual and gender based violence. This handbook will be issued to all members of the police force.

Governor Christina Scott was impressed by the enthusiasm of the five officers who are now nearing completion of the training of the rest of the local police force in appropriate police responses to SGBV.
– Press Release
(Published without editing by The Anguillian newspaper.)