Human Rights of Person living with HIV/AIDS
The workshop participants recommend:
• Work place Representatives/Liaison officers be installed or appointed by all organizations on Anguilla to promote policies that protect the rights of persons affected by life threatening illnesses

• Support services such as an independent Human Rights Advocacy Office in Anguilla to assist and provide employers and employees with information regarding confidentiality and a person’s right to work.
• More sensitization initiatives and training for businesses and community organizations about the workplace of persons infected and affect by HIV and other life threatening illnesses.
• More collaboration among outreach organization on Anguilla in order to better fight stigma and discrimination.
• Collaboration with insurance companies regarding potential clients with pre-existing conditions
• Enforcement/ re-enforcement of the confidentiality policy in the health care system
• Confidentiality polices be implemented in all organizations on Anguilla.
• Severe/ stiff penalties for breach of confidentiality especially in the health care sector.
• The implementation of the complaints procedure as it relates to the health care sector.
• Stronger emphasis to be placed on stigma and discrimination in the HFLE curriculum in public and private school.
• That future legislation (i.e. preliminary drafts/ annotated bill for the Labour Code) should state explicitly that an employee’s HIV/ AIDS status is an invalid ground for Dismissal/Termination.
• That the new Labour Code should emphasize that persons should not be refused employment solely based on medical conditions.
• The development of workplace policies addressing Non-communicable Diseases.
• That information about the workplace policies should be available in English and in Spanish
• That priority is given to the passage of the Labour Code with HIV/ AIDS and other life threatening illness addressed.
• The adoption of the ILO definition which lists HIV/AIDS and other medical conditions as a ground for discrimination in the workplace.
• The implementation of the workplace policy/ Strategies for the public/ private sector.
Workshop Reflections
After a thorough review of the workshop evaluations and the list of recommendations, ACAN has come away with the understanding that there truly is a need for legislation that addresses stigma, discrimination and workplace confidentially in Anguilla. Additionally, there is a need for more sensitization to decrease fear and discourage workplace discrimination. Thus, we recommend that the Draft of the Labour Code be further reviewed and revised to include more polices that address the aforementioned issues.
For further information contact :
P.O. Box 1060 The Valley, Anguilla, AI 2640 Tel: 1 (264) 729 8490 / 235 8861 / Fax: 1 (264) 497 5695. Email: / Webpage: / ACANFoundation