It is indeed my privilege to address you on the observance of World Post Day as well as on the celebration of Postal Week,currently being observed by the Anguilla Post Office.
Wednesday, October 9th, is observed internationally as World Post Day which marks the anniversary of the establishment of the Universal Postal Union on this date in 1874 in the Swiss capital, Berne. The intent of the establishing of World Post Day was to create awareness of the integral role the Postal sector plays daily in the lives of ordinary citizens and businesses as a primary and accessible mode of communication in the delivery of mail and goods, and its significant social and economic contribution to the development of countries.
“The Post, Delivering for People and Businesses Daily” has been cited as the theme of the Universal Postal Union Director General, Mr. Bishar Hussein’s address to member countries on World Post Day, 2013. The DG’s address which seeks to highlight the indispensable and critical role the Post continues to perform as a global facilitator of communication, reads in part;“In every country, postal services play a vital role in the exchange of information and goods. In 2012, Posts globally delivered 350 billion letters and more than 6 billion parcels. They also processed millions of financial transactions.”
Mr. Hussein further commented on the new innovations and strategies Posts around the world are adopting in order to remain competitive.” Posts around the world are diversifying their products and services to better meet customers’ needs for reliability, speed and security. As e-commerce grows they are positioning themselves as the delivery service of choice for goods ordered online. There is no question that Posts remain important facilitators of national and international trade in our constantly evolving world.” The full text of Mr. Hussein’s address can be viewed on the UPU website at www.upu.info.
The Anguilla Postal Service has adopted as its theme for Postal Week, 2013; “The Post-Still Relevant; Still Delivering”. This theme is intended to bring to the fore the fact that despite the phenomenal advancements in technology which have had profound impacts on the waymodern society now communicate, the Post remains a relevant and important entity in the whole aspect of communication and delivery.
The local Postal Service has for approximately the past fifteen years been repositioning its self to better meet the growing needs of the public with the introduction of innovative Postal options, including; our e-commerce based services-E Zone and Home Shopping as well as Money Gram (money transfer service). While by necessity our service has become more commercially driven, Government has not lost sight of the need to maintain at affordable costs the basic services offered such as Letter and Parcel Post rates as well as annual letter box rental charges. The Anguilla Post office continues to be a major contributor to revenue collection and recognition must be given andappreciation extended to the many persons who constantly patronize the Service.
The observance of our programme of activities for Postal Week 2013 is to further highlight and sensitize the public tothe importance of the Service to our community as is intended by the observance of “World Post Day”. During the week leading up to this observance Postal staff has been presenting postal tips and services available at the Anguilla Post office on Radio Anguilla and on Klass 92.9FM. The week will include visits to the Post Office by students of two primary schools, a staff development session, customer appreciation day, a Bingo evening and Sports afternoon.
On behalf of the staff of the Anguilla Post Office and the Ministry of Finance, I wish to thank the public in general for the opportunity to serve you and we look forward to continue meeting your varied postal needs as these will arise. May you through your patronage continue to make the Post always relevant and we certainly will continue to deliver as we take pleasure in responding to your postal needs.
(Published without editing by The Anguillian newspaper.)