Kasem Thompson

Shamar Gaskin
In a densely-crowded Rodney MacArthur Rey Auditorium on Wednesday evening, the Principal of the Albena Lake-Hodge Comprehensive School, Mrs Ingrid Lake, gave her final admonition to 157 students at their graduation ceremony. “Think big. Think positive and be the best that you can ever be at whatever you decide to do,” she admonished them.
It was the school’s 24th Year Five Graduation under the theme “Embracing Opportunities with enlightened Minds”. The smartly-attired 157 students, qualified to participate in the ceremony, were given a standing ovation as they filed into the auditorium. Thirty-nine of them shared sixty-seven awards for outstanding performance.

The winner of the ChesroyDeSuza Award was Remieko Richardson and the Calder Simon Award was won by Kasem Thompson, who was also the Most Outstanding Graduate.
Mrs Lake, the obviously satisfied Principal, commended the Class of 2013 for reaching a significant milestone in their lives. “I believe it is the moment that most of you and your parents were waiting for and you ought to be proud of yourselves,” she told them. “This milestone is of course indicative of your willingness to exercise discipline by walking the straight and narrow, your decision to follow basic rules and regulations especially at a time when many young—and I dare say older persons—deliberately refuse to adhere to regulations and are determined to do things their way…
“Congratulations are also in order for all the students who worked assiduously to achieve academic success, even though I am convinced that many of you, irrespective of level, could have attained better grades had you simply exerted the extra effort rather than being complacent. Your performance in the 2013 examinations should be used as a positive learning experience and should inspire you to always give of your best. Always endeavour to maximize your potential.

“Class of 2013, having completed this phase of your life, this leg of the journey, we call life, I trust that we would have provided you with some skills that would assist you in facing the many challenges that will come your way. Believe me, life is a challenge and it is important for all of you to persevere in spite of the difficulties that you will encounter.”
The Principal appealed to the graduating students to always exhibit an attitude of gratitude. “First and foremost, be always thankful to God for all the gifts that He has given you and the various opportunities that He affords you. Look around each day and recognize how fortunate you are. Be thankful for small mercies. Grateful people focus on the positive aspects of life and have that tendency to perceive their glass as half full, and not half empty. Use the time and talents that you are blessed with to enrich the lives of others. Give back to your communities.

“Class, this world that we are part of is friendly, yet hostile and rough. People with enlightened minds are God-fearing, loving, caring and compassionate. Be friendly. Be loving. Seek justice and promote peace even when these attributes are against the flow. Stand up for what is right. You do not have to be part of the crowd, especially when it is for the wrong cause. Think big. Think positive and be the best that you can ever be at whatever you decide to so. Let me end with the affirmation for the virtue that we are emphasizing this month: Keep your mind and body healthy and clean. Put your life in order. Be willingto clean up your mistakes. Congratulations to all of you, and may God bless you.”
Regrettably, press time did not allow The Anguillian to fully cover the graduation ceremony. The programme included the Invocation by Pastor Leriano Webster, a graduate of the school; Keithstone Greaves, who chaired the proceedings;the keynote address by Kristy Richardson-Harrigan, an Attorney-at-law at Caribbean Juris Chambers; the Valedictorian address by Shamar Gaskin; and the Vote of Thanks by Shanalia Gumbs.