Have you ever observed or witnessed a group of persons working in a toxic work environment? Well, if you never have, watching and observing them is definitely not fun. It can be a heart wrenching experience witnessing the decline of their self-esteem and the change to their countenances as their situation continually grows worse. The physical manifestation of the negativity they endure can be staggering, so much so, that it can force them to leave their jobs, as the toxicity each day becomes so unbearable that no amount of money would worth the cost to their own self-worth.
If perchance you find yourself working in such environment, it is important for you to recognize that the toxic environment is not a reflection of who you are and it is important that you find ways to help you cope with it. Here are a few suggested ideas to help you to do so:
1. Daily remind yourself that you are not a reflection of your current surroundings. Constantly check in with yourself to remind yourself of your positive qualities and attributes.
2. Place positive and uplifting quotes on the wall of your office or cubicle that will help keep your spirits lifted.
3. Take time out each workday to take a short walk by yourself. This is a great way to detach and allow for positive self-talk to remind yourself of the qualities you possess that make you amazing.
4. Realize that you cannot control what other people say and do. You can only control your own actions and reactions. The sooner you accept this the better for your own mental well-being. This realization releases you from owning other people’s negative behaviour and it empowers you to focus on improving yourself. The more you can focus on improving yourself in a negative environment the better, because when you finally get the opportunity to escape the situation you are in, you will get to take all the personal growth you have made along with you. No doubt that growth will help you to be even more successful as you move forward.
5. Try to turn your bad situation into a good learning experience. Most often our strongest personal growth comes from living through our most difficult situations. When you are working in a toxic environment, try to pay close attention to the lessons you can take away from the experience. Perhaps you can learn the qualities in a leader that you never want to emulate. Perhaps you can learn the management mistakes that you would not want to repeat if the opportunity for management ever comes your way. In every bad situation there is something you can learn that will help you become a better person, so focus on each lesson you are learning.
6. Always conduct yourself with integrity and always put in your very best effort toward the job you were hired to do. It is easy to fall into the trap of giving up on the job, but the bottom line is that as long as you are taking a paycheck you have an obligation to give an honest day’s work.
7. Beware that toxic environments often leave their victims questioning their own reality, competence, and self-worth. Do NOT blame yourself or succumb to shame for the way you were mistreated. If you are finding it extremely difficult to cope, it is best that you get out and find another work environment.
Remember, tough times don’t last but tough people do. So be the best person you can be.
Be the Best You.
We are perfectly imperfect and beautiful within
because beauty isn’t skin deep, it’s deeper than the skin
We are who we allow ourselves to become,
we get what we give, we give what we get
so give it your all and don’t ever give up
Be the best you be, the person you want to be
just remember to be yourself not who others want to see
This day is yours it belongs to no one but you
put one foot in front of the other
and take a step closer to making all your dreams come true
You are perfectly imperfect and this is okay
because no one is flawless, no one is perfectly made
You are beautiful within and your smile reflects
the love inside your heart
So, share a grin and let others see who you are
Be the best you, just be who you are inside
be the person that makes you happy and live your best life
Poem’s Author unknown
About the Author: Mrs. Marilyn Hodge owns and operates the Wellness Centre in the Farrington, Anguilla. The Centre offers Counselling Services by Appointment Only. Contact information: 476-3517 or email: marilynb@anguillanet.com. Referrals can also be made directly through the Atlantic Star Center of Medical Excellence, South Hill, Anguilla. By Appointment Only: Tel 497-0765