On Friday, October 11, 2013, a presentation was made to St. Mary’s Pre-School by Gadget City owner, Candis Mkoba, to the Principal and teachers of St. Mary’s Pre-School. The presentation comprised a Zumba exercise kit and was made as part of the school’s Healthy Lifestyle Project called “Blood Pressure Watch.”
Blood Pressure Watch was developed, and is being coordinated, by Nurse Melody Hodge, a parent of the school and a prominent health care worker. According to Mrs. Hodge, “Hypertension or High Blood Pressure is a very serious chronic disease and many people have high blood pressure without knowing it”.
The program involves checking and monitoring St. Mary’s Pre-School teachers’ blood pressure and body mass index. Nurse Hodge also provides them with counselling which emphasizes steps to control blood pressure and maintaining a healthy weight. These include eating healthy foods, especially fresh fruits, vegetables and foods that are low in salt, sugar and fat; drinking plenty of water; engaging in a variety of physical activities; and managing stress and getting adequate rest, relaxation and sleep.
Nurse Hodge expressed the concern that the teaching profession carries its own set of stressful situations so teachers may be prone to higher risk of hypertension.
The exercise set is intended to be a readily available guide of physical activity for the teachers on their way to a healthier weight and more controlled blood pressure. Nurse Hodge said, “Improving our teachers’ health will improve the quality of education for our next generation.”
Nurse Hodge expressed thanks to the principal, Mrs. Hazel Brooks, for facilitating the project, the teachers who were willing and determined to achieve optimal health, and Mr. and Mrs. Elias Mkoba for their contribution to the project.
Principal Mrs. Hazel Brooks expressed sincere thanks and appreciation to Nurse Melody Hodge for the development and coordination of the School’s Healthy Lifestyle Project, and also to Mr. and Mrs. Elias Mkoba for donating the Zumba exercise kit. “A healthy lifestyle will enhance the health of our teachers. Thus, making them more equipped to deal with the children in their care,” she said.
– Contributed