CuisinArt Golf Resort and Spa has reopened after a brief six weeks hiatus. This is customary, and the period is utilized to upgrade and improve on the physical aspect of the resort.
The excitement of the Management and staff was noteworthy as the General Manager, Mr. Stephane Zaharia, enthusiastically welcomed all to season 2013/2014. He was not short with words of heartfelt gratitude and acclamation for departments that remained functional during the closure period. The welcome reception was held in the foyer of the lobby with the Executive Committee and uniformed staff who were eager and ready to welcome their guests.
The General Manager eagerly welcomed and introduced the new additions to the team including the new Executive Chef, Mr. Jasper Schneider, who has come to the resort with a wealth of culinary knowledge. Chef Jasper Schneider graduated from the French Culinary Institute in New York, and assumed top culinary management positions at Jean-Marie Josslin at A Pacific Caf in Kauai when it was named Best Restaurant on Kauai and one of the top three in Hawaii. His world class experience including the Caribbean was carefully noted. He assumed the Executive Chef position at the Ritz Carlton in St. Thomas USVI and at the Palms in the Turks and Caicos Islands.
The new Tennis Pro, Nick Plum, was introduced to the staff coming from a tennis family in Texas, USA, who has brought some unique skills to the tennis business.
The resort has also brought on board a water engineer, Mr. Tim Hare, who would further upgrade and enhance that aspect of the resort’s infrastructure.
Mr. Zaharia observed that the Season, 2013 – 2014, promises to be a successful one. He mentioned that the economic indicators for 2014, as per the economic pundits, are showing some level of resurgence in countries like United States of America, Canada and certain European countries.
Flanked by staff’s exuberance and positive energy, Mr. Zaharia, supported by his Executive Committee, passionately encouraged all to ensure that the resort experienced a profitable 2013/2014. He said this could only happen with vigilance and diligence in our service offerings which are a critical part of our value chain. He opined that as a service driven organization it would continue to provide its guests with memorable experiences which are second to none.
He further updated the staff on the Reef at CuisinArt project, which is the new resort that is currently under construction. He purported that it is an exciting project for the island, and he lauded the owner for his vision for the island and its people’s economic wellbeing.
All were urged to remain focused as they provide the guests and patrons with exemplary and impeccable service which is the hallmark of the resort.