The Albena Lake Hodge Comprehensive School year, 2013-2014, commenced on Thursday August 29th 2013 with a new cohort of 241 first form students entering Campus B (117 boys, 124 girls).
Following the opening prayers and singing of Anguilla’s National Song, Principal Mrs. Ingrid Lake welcomed the group of smartly clad students, the majority of whom were accompanied by their parents and or guardians. She admonished the group to make the best opportunity of the next five years which have been allotted to them at the school. She also shared the viewpoint that the students’ tenure at the school can be very pleasant and rewarding. However, the individual experience will depend largely on each student.
Deputy Principal Campus B, Mrs. Octavia Melsadis Fleming, took the opportunity to remind the parents of the following:-
A) Students are not permitted to bring cell phones to school.
B) Homework is a MUST.If students return to school without their homework, or a valid excuse from the parents, the parents would be called to take the child/ children home until the requirement is met.
C) The uniformis a symbol of the school and as such should be wornwith pride and kept clean and tidy. Students are required to wear the correct uniform, as set out in the school’s guidelines, while travelling to and from school on any official school day.
Head of year, teacher Sarah Francis, who chaired the session, introduced the students to the school’s motto, mission statement and outlined its expectations. She also introduced the year’s group of form tutors and the school’s Senior Management Team. In unison, the form tutors recited their pledge to the students.
The remainder of the morning was spent familiarizing the students with the programmes being offered at the school, room allocation and a general tour of the campus. The orientation day ended at 12noon.
– Contributed