Thirteen persons have opted to participate in the Certified Front Desk Representative Course which is being offered at the Anguilla Community College from the 16th to 20th September, 2013.
This short course is offered through the Securities and Commerce Institute and the International Hospitality and Tourism Institute and leads to an internationally recognised certification in Front Desk Representation.
Front Desk Representatives hold a wealth of knowledge about any property and the attractions surrounding it. The recommendations of a Front Desk Representative can turn good visits into great ones. The way these front line workers interact, engage with, and support patrons will directly affect the reviews a business receives online, word of mouth referrals they give to their friends and family, and if they return.
This course strives to teach Front Desk Representatives to smile and wear their uniform proudly while serving the guest with courteous efficiency. The goal is a well-trained Front Desk Representative who will process more transactions, faster, with fewer errors, while simultaneously winning guests’ loyalty.
The trainers for this certification are Mrs. Karimah Carty and Ms. Sharon Richardson who are bothiCHTE Bronze certified with IHTI.
Ms. Richardson finds the offering of this course is timely as it prepares front desk agents for the upcoming season. She notes that the front desk is the nerve centre of a hotel and it is critical that agents are trained to exceed guests’ expectations from their very first encounter. Front office staff must recognize that they are representative of the entire property and since first impressions are lasting, they play a key role in creating that ‘WOW’ experience for the guests. Guests who are ‘wowed’become loyal customers and ambassadors for the hotel’s services.
The Anguilla Community College is pleased with the positive response to this course from the hospitality industry and members of the general public. The College will be offering new and exciting short courses during the month of October. We encourage the general public to visit our website at www.acc.edu.ai or give us a call at 498-8395 or 497-2538 for further information.
– Press Release
(Published without editing by The Anguillian newspaper.)