September 10th 2013
The Valley, Anguilla,
Mr. Sutcliffe Hodge during a presentation on Klass FM this morning made a number of statements regarding the fact that I am a Director of some 34 companies, the names of which he took the time to list. He especially noted that these companies were formed during the period when I was Minister of Finance. It can be concluded that his reasons for doing so was in response to the fact that I mentioned his ownership of 100,000 shares in ANGLEC in an address last week. Let me place on record that I had absolutely no ill intentions in mentioning his ownership or that of Mr. Marcel Fahie; Mr. Frederick Harrigan; and others. In fact, I applauded those named for their investment in Anguilla’s national development and admonished that they should not be vilified or scorned for their courage and ambition.
The implication of Mr. Hodge’s statement would suggest that a person in the “company management business” is not eligible to run for public office. I started my company management business, Banx Professional Services Ltd in 1985 and I have held a valid Company Manager’s Licence since that time. Over that period I have formed several hundred companies for clients from all over the world including Anguilla. The fact that a client would appoint me personally or Banx Professional Services Ltd as a Director is on the basis of trust and my reputation of honesty and integrity. Neither Banx Professional Services Ltd nor myself have had any disputes with any client in this regard for the past twenty-eight years in business.
For the information of the wider public the Company Management Act, Section 1 defines “company management business” as:
a. incorporating or forming companies;
b. providing the registered office for companies;
c. acting as the registered agent for companies
d. preparing and filing statutory documents
e. acting as director, manager or officer of companies or foreign companies;
f. acting as a nominee shareholder of companies or foreign companies; and
g. includes offering or agreeing to carry out any of the activities referred to in paragraphs (a) to (f) with the intent to carry on business.
This is what I have been doing as my core business for the past twenty-eight years in and out office. I employ a staff of three persons one of whom has worked with me continuously for the past twenty-five years. My business, Banx Professional Services Ltd is regulated by the Anguilla Financial Services Commission.
Mr. Hodge also implies that the fact that my name is mentioned as Director in a number of companies would suggest that there is a chance that there could be a conflict of interest. The companies for which we provide services as Director for the most part do not operate in Anguilla. Like Mr. Hodge I have shareholdings in approximately five local companies.
I would also like to thank Mr. Hodge for confirming to the general public that I operate a business that is well regulated and transparent. Any information required on the ownership of any of these businesses is available at the Commercial Registry.
Like Mr. Hodge and his family who continue to strive to live the Anguilla dream, I too reserve the right to operate a legitimate business for the same purpose.
On a slightly more personal, I regret that Mr. Hodge felt that it was necessary for him to draw attention to the distasteful rumors affecting his personal and family life. I would have advised him not to give “legs” to such disgusting accusations by responding. I believe that it would have been better if he had allowed his reputation to speak for itself. As a politician I have always taken that high road in response to such cowardly and malicious attacks. I strongly condemn anyone in or out of the Anguilla United Front who would spread such vicious and slanderous rumours. I fully support any legal action that Mr. Hodge would pursue in this regard.
Victor F. Banks
Party Leader,
Anguilla United Front
September 10, 2013
(Published without editing by The Anguillian newspaper.)