On Sunday, August 11th at 4:30 p.m., the No-Walls Church of Hope set out to observe the conclusion of Vacation Bible School (VBS) 2013 in a stunning closing ceremony. That afternoon, a modest gathering of parents and guardians converged at the church’s auditorium in The Farrington for a special program in which they were able to delightfully witness the performances of their children who proudly displayed the lessons they had learned through songs, poems, scripture memorization and drama, as well as through arts and crafts exhibits.
For one full week, from Monday August 5th to Friday August 9th, a throng of youngsters of varying ages eagerly attended edifying sessions of sacred teachings, intended to benefit them with moral and spiritual values for life-long experiences. But Saturday August 10th was “fun-day” when the excited crowd of kids gathered on the church grounds, from 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., for a sunny day of fun, food and frolic.
This year’s No-Walls VBS, under the theme “Virtues of the Bible”, marked the 4th annual highly-engaging, energetic Summer event for children of the church as well as the wider community.
The school of 56 students was divided into four classes, with each class identified by a Biblical character. Noah’s class, consisting of 14 students ages 3 – 5, was taught by Sis. Bernice Bryan, ably assisted by Sis. Valda Carty. Jonah’s class, which was the largest class by far, consisted of 22 students ages 6 – 9, and was taught by Sis. Gladis Mussington and Sis. Shumara Brooks. The next class, David’s, consisting of 15 youngsters ages 10 – 13, was taught by Sis. Linda Joseph, aided by two capable assistants, Sis. Sandra Hodge and Sis. Leoma Joseph. The senior but smallest class was Joseph’s. This group was aptly tutored by high-school teacher Sis. Annishka Brooks, and it comprised 5 youths, ages 14 to 19.
The director of the school was yet another high-school teacher, in the person of Sis. Keren Morancie. She designed the curriculum for each class, drew up the schedules, sourced the various class material and formulated the programs. It was all a Phenomenal Success.
Pastors James and Pat Harrigan wish to publicly thank the parents of this year’s students for the confidence they have placed in the ministry by faithfully sending their children out to the sessions everyday. They are also grateful to the VBS faculty, the director and teachers. In particular, the pastors extend hearty thanks to Ms. Kate Rogers. Kate is an Anguillian resident in Florida who, for the past five years, has been generously contributing school supplies for the children of the church and segments of the community. Kate makes this possible through her work with the Belk Company of Lakeland Florida with which she is closely associated. Again, sincere thanks to all the No-Walls VBS stakeholders.