Mr. Jaris Liburd was the lucky winner of US $300.00 when his name was drawn from a number of qualifying entries in the Anguilla General Post Office MoneyGram “Gear Up for School”raffle held on 12th August, 2013. This raffle was again an example of the AnguillaGeneral Post Office giving back to customers who patronize its MoneyGram, money transferservice, where funds are transferred worldwide fast, safe and reliably within 10 minutes.
Mr. Liburd was very surprised and elated when he learnt that he was the winner and expressed his satisfaction with the MoneyGram service offered at the Anguilla Post Office as it met all his requirements which are speed, affordability and hassle-free.
The management and staff of the Anguilla Post Office extend hearty congratulations to Mr. Liburd on being added to its growing number of winners with MoneyGram.
– Press Release
(Published without editing by The Anguillian newspaper.)