Some fifty years ago, at the commencement of the August Thursday boat race, there was ample space for all boat-racing fans at Meads Bay – from the tamarind tree in the north to the expanse of the beach to the south. But, with the hotel development there over the years, the land space eventually became restricted.
Now, thanks to the owners of a section of the beach land, a shadedarea, part of the original boat-racing site, has become available for recreation, music and other entertainment for the boat-racing fans.
For several days, a number of persons, along with Cardigan Connor, have been engaged in clearing the area of land located just south of the Malliouhana and Carimar Beach Club properties.
“For a number of years, Meads Bay has been one of the focal points in the August Thursday boat race — I think going back over fifty years. It goes back to a challenge race between Mason Hodge [of West End] and Mc Owen of North Hill,” Mr Connor told The Anguillian. He Continued:
“Over the years, there has been quite a bit of change at Meads Bay. The focal point of the boat-racing in the past was where the tamarind tree is but, through the development of Malliouhana and Carimar, some areas of the beach, where our people gathered, have been restricted. But Malcolm Connor, proprietor of the land, has given permission to Roy Richardson, who is a member of the Boat Racing Committee, to say the land is available under certain restrictions, of course, to be used by the community of West End/Long Bay and by extension Anguilla.”
Mr Connor acknowledged that a number of persons (whom he named) assisted in clearing the land for the coming August Thursday boat race. “As a community, we are also hoping that picnics and other functions can also take place here,” he said. The overall size of the land is believed to be between an acre and a half to two acres, with one portion on the beach and the other portion east of the road.
Mr Connor stressed that the land was owned by the Connor’s family who could do what they wish with it in the long-term. From his perspective, however, he thought that if they were to sell the land, it should be sold to the West End community – and that the Government should purchase it as a gift to the people of West End and Long Bay and, by extension,the people of Anguilla.
Roy Richardson said that boat-racing fans had been complaining about the limitations of Meads Bay for the August Thursday boat race. He stated that at a meeting at the Methodist Church Hall, at West End, the decision was taken to restore the event to the level of what it previously was – something like the August Monday boat race at Sandy Ground. He said he contacted the members of the Connor family, living outside Anguilla, and was pleased that they had given permission to use the land mentioned above to provide the additional space for the August Thursday boat race and other community events.