On August 4, 2013, the congregations at St. Mary, St. Augustine and St. Andrew observed Emancipation Sunday. The collect (or Prayer for the day), Bible readings, hymns, intercessions (Prayers of the People) and sermon revolved around the experience of slavery, the Slave Trade, Emancipation, and modern day forms of slavery e.g. exploitation of women, children and the less fortunate.
Using as his text Joshua 4: 21 ff, the Bishop appealed to the congregation at St. Mary to deepen their knowledge on slavery and its impact on Caribbean people and to be intentional about instructing their children about this chapter in the history of the Caribbean. He further entreated the congregation to `refrain from treating others, especially strangers and domestic workers as lesser beings. In cases where persons display low self-esteem, we ought to assist them to have a more positive look on themselves. At all times, we ought to assist others to become what they are – children of God.
In keeping with the theme, many persons, male and female, in the congregations wore clothing made of African print. It was a colourful sight.
– Press Release