“Fun in the Jungle” is truly what it was for the Cub Scouts of Anguilla as they participated in the 13th Caribbean Cuboree which was held in Suriname from July 21st to 28th. The forty member contingent comprised Cub Scouts, Akelas and parents. They were among over eight hundred persons who attended from Aruba, Curacao, Dominica, Grenada, Guyana, French Guiana, St. Maarten, Trinidad and Tobago and Suriname. Anguilla had the pleasure ofhaving Commissioner Othlyn Vanterpool join them on the camp for four days, as well as Nigel Hailey, International Commissioner UK Scouts Association who attended the opening ceremony. Commissioner Vanterpool was in Suriname prior to the start of Cuboree attending a Chief Commissioners’ Conference.
Activities at Cuboree included an opening ceremony where Commissioner of Boy Scouts Van Suriname, Shurman Humphrey; and the President of Suriname Honourable DesiBouterse addressed the gathering. In addition, the young people participated in sporting and craft activities, storytelling, tour to the zoo, visit to historical and industrial sites, campfire and shopping in Paramaribo, the capital city. At the closing ceremony each country presented gifts to, and received gifts of appreciation from, host Suriname.
It was an exciting,yet a great learning experience for all – and according to Cub Scout Trenai Hamilton, who was interviewed by Cuboree News, “I am definitely coming back to Suriname”.
Cuboreewhich is held every three years will next be hosted by Guyana in 2016.
– Contributed