CAPE: Four 1s
The top 19 Anguillian students on this page, and all other local students who performed well in this year’s CXC Examinations, have been praised by the Ministry of Education for their achievements. The Ministry issued the following statement to The Anguillian on Tuesday this week:
“The Ministry of Education is generally pleased with this year’s performance of students who sat examinations under the Caribbean Examinations Council CXC Board.
“At the Caribbean Secondary Education Certificate (CSEC) level, this year saw an increase in the number of subject entries and a noticeable increase in the level of grade achievement. Some 79% of total subject entries achieved grades 1 to lll, and 57% of the cohort achieved passing grades in four or more subject areas. Performance in English was notably improved with 88% of students sitting English A, receiving grades 1 to lll and 93% of students sitting English B, receiving grades 1 to lll. This is indeed commendable.

CAPE: Two 1s;
One 2; Two 3s
“The performance of students who sat the Caribbean Advanced Proficiency Examinations (CAPE) is also commendable. With an increased number of subject entries over last year, 81% of the subject entries achieved passing grades. Thirty seven percent (37%) of the subject entries achieved grades 1 to lll.
“The Ministry is also pleased with the performance in the new Caribbean Certificate of Secondary Education Level Competence (CCSLC) programme. This year there were some 791 subject entries in six different subject areas. Fifty one percent (51%) of the subject entries achieved the level of competence and 34 % achieved the level of mastery, thus indicating that some 85% of the subject entries were successful.
“The Ministry of Education applauds the strides being made at the Albena Lake Hodge Comprehensive School to cater to the needs of its large and diverse student population. The Ministry is quite pleased with the improved performance in English, particularly in light of the ongoing investments in literacy initiatives. The Ministry would, however, want to see similar gains in the performance of students sitting Mathematics. There is also still room for improvement generally in the level of grade achievement. The Ministry and Department of Education will continue to work with the school to ensure optimal student performance.

CAPE: Two 1s; One 2; Two 4s
“The Ministry congratulates all the students and their parents on their achievementsand extends deepest gratitude to all those who contributed to their success. Special thanks to the Principal, Senior Management Team, teachers and other professional staff of the Albena Lake Hodge Comprehensive School for their dedication and commitment to duty in ensuring positive student outcomes and promoting excellence. We are grateful for the work that you do towards the development of our human capital which is a critical component of nation-building and national development. The Ministry thanks parents, guardians and all others who provided the students with the necessary support to ensure their success. Your involvement is of vital importance and we encourage you to continue in your support of our children’s education.
“The Ministry wishes to recognize and commend our boys again for maintaining their presence among the top performers, particularly in light of our many social problems.

“Thanks are also extended to all our community partners in education. You have responded to our requests for assistance on many occasions where we may have fallen short and willingly contributed where possible. The Ministry therefore recognizes your contribution to the success of our students.
“The Ministry of Education remains steadfast to its commitment to promoting an ethos of excellence in our education system. Recognizing the key role that education plays, we continue to work towards raising standards in an effort to achieve sustainable national development. We encourage everyone to get on board as we strive to make a positive difference in the educational development of our children.”
The top 19 performers and their results in the CXC Examinations were as follows:

Senegal Carty: Two 1s, one 2, two 3s; Nordisia Lake: Four 1s; My-Elle Pinard: Two 1s, one 2, two 4s.
Listrah Adams: Five 1s; two 2s; two 3s; one 4. Jarion Duncan: Seven 1s. Neller Dupuis: Six 1s; two 2s; one 3. Shamar Gaskin: Ten 1s; two 2s. Aline Geyer: Five 1s; three 2s; one 3. AvernGumbs: Six 1s; three 2s; one 4. JeraniqueHarrigan: Five 1s; two 2s; one 3; one 4; one 5. Melissa Harrigan: Seven 1s; four 2s; AjeeLiburd: Five 1s; three 2s. Tiffany Moore: Five 1s; two 2s; three 3s. Raemisha Petty: Five 1s; one 2; three 3s; Ayesha Proctor: Six 1s; one 2; one 3; one 4. Angelique Richardson: Five 1s; two 2s; one 3. Jharik Richardson: Five 1s; three 2s; one 3. Kenj Thomas: Five 1s; two 2s; two 3s. Kasem Thompson: Seven 1s; three 2s.

Four 2s

Two 2s; Three 3s

Three 2s; One 4

Two 2s; Two 3

Two 2s, One 3;
One 4, One 5

CSEC: Five 1s;
Two 2s, One 3

Three 2s, 0ne 3

Three 2s; One 3

Three 2s