![Rev. Cecil Weekes](https://theanguillian.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/08/DSC_0848rev.jpg)
The official opening and dedication of the EleosCenter – a social outreach programme of the Methodist Church –was held at the former Sandy Ground Manse on Sunday, August 25.
The feature address was delivered by Reverend Cecil Weeks as follows:
The name Eleos Center – expresses the Vision and the goal to be pursued at this place, on behalf of the Kingdom of God, and intentionally focus on rescuing children, youth, and young adults – [men and women] from the surrounding communities – [in the first instance] – from the path of self-destruction, and through the programs offered here, will seek to channel their energies from negative anti-social activities, towards a positive and productive way of life.
Speaking as a Christian, I firmly believe that for any program –[religious or secular,] that is aimed at the transformation of lives, [mentally – spiritually – in attitude, – and in personal behavior,] in order to succeed must have a solid-as-a-rock Theological foundation.
I find that Theological base/principle, clearly expressed by our Lord Jesus, and recorded at Mtt. 7:22-27. I quote a portion from the passage: “He who hears my words and does them, is like a wise man who built his house on a rock. The rain fell, the floods rose – the winds blew and beat upon that house – but it fell not.
All who hear my words and does not do them, is like a foolish man who built his house on the sand. The rain fell, the floods came – the winds blew and beat against that house. It fell and great was the fall of it. What this statement of Jesus is declaring to us is this: whatever endeavor human beings engage in, – to be enduring in terms of eternal consequences – it must be grounded upon a solid theological base.
The name ‘Eleos Center’ aptly expresses the theological motivation that lies behind the vision of Sisters Marva Thompson and Hyacinth Hughes, and any other, that gave birth to the concept of a Center, from whence to reach out in social ministries to the residents of the surrounding communities and further afield.
The Word ELEOS is a Greek word with various meanings: one of which is: Showing mercy. It is used in the parable of the good Samaritan, [Lk. 10:37ff] to describe his actions towards an absolute stranger he came upon, lying on the road – violently attacked and robbed and left to die on the road. At much cost to himself in terms of his time – money; materials – [the use of his wine and oil to sterilize & soothe the wounds victim]. He spent the night caring for him at an Inn. Next day he paid the cost of lodging for them both, and gave the Inn-keeper the cost of lodging for a couple of days more, and asked that he take care of the needs of the battered man, and committed himself to pay upon his return, whatever else is the cost to do so.
What this Samaritan did for this stranger, – expresses the Will, – Mind – and the merciful nature of God towards us all – particularly the abused, the marginalized, and the victims of hate in our midst, and those who need help to help themselves. This is the ELEOS of God as Jesus reveals it through the actions of this man in the Parable.: It also reveals His expectation of us. This the Methodist Church will seek to do in this place in the not-too-distant- future.
At this point, I am taking the liberty to challenge the Circuit, and the Eleos Center Board – not merely to continue what has been started here – but to allow the VISION to be enlarged by seeing the possibilities of what can be achieved. To this end I bring to your attention a concrete example of what has been achieved through Faith, and Vision, by a similar social outreach program of the Methodist Church in the City of Kingston, in the Jamaica District, known as Operation Friendship.
Operation Friendship was the vision of the Revd. William [Bill] Blake in the very early 1950’s in response to the poverty, the gangs and the drug culture, the social collapse, the violence and criminal activities that plagued, and continues to plague the West Kingston communities.
The program was started in the basement of the Ebenezer Methodist Church, in the heart of the ghettos of West Kingston, Jamaica, adjoining the dreaded Tivoli Gardens. Revd. Bill Blake was ably assisted by the late Deaconess Sis. Julia Davis.
In 1961 The Jamaica District took over responsibility for financing and development of the program. In 1971 Operation Friendship was Incorporated as a Limited Liability Company. At this point following the retirement of Revd. William Blake, the Revd. Webster Edwards was appointed the Executive Director of Operation Friendship. A position he still holds some 42 yrs. later.
In this new phase of operation, much of the work was done by volunteers drawn from many parts of the world, such as medical Doctors – Dentists – American Peace Corps volunteers – Japan Over-seas Corporation volunteers, volunteers from the United Kingdom – German volunteers – the Canadian volunteers Service, – the Mennonite [Church] Central Committee,[USA] and the United Church of Canada.
Financial help was received from the IDB – OAS – and the British High Commission.
Services and Training Programs presently offered at Operation Friendship include: free medical and dental care for residents of the Inner-city of West Kingston. Education programs beginning at the basic School –[Kindergarten] level up to advance studies for young adults, leading to certification in the chosen areas of study. Family Life Counseling program.
Training in Allied Health for persons who intend to pursue a career in the field of patient care in Golden age (senior citizens) homes, – hospitals and clinics. Training in Auto-body repairs; in Food preparation, training as electrical technicians, in furniture making, plumbing and welding, and Book binding.
These are not all the offerings at Operation Friendship, but I believe they are sufficient to motivate the Board and the Circuit Council, to enlarge the VISION for the future of this ELEOS CENTER.
Let me quote some words from a prophecy of Vision, Hope, and Promise given by Isaiah to the nation of Israel and recorded at Isaiah 54:2 “enlarge the place of your tent … hold not back, lengthen your cords, and strengthen your stakes”.[end of quote]
Experiences in life have taught us that we can best secure what we have achieved, only by expanding it.
I strongly recommend therefore, that the Circuit, through the Board, in the very near future, send a delegation –[of maybe 2 Board members ]- to Jamaica on a hands-on learning tour of the facilities and programs currently offered at Operation Friendship to the thousands of marginalized residents and the angry youth & young adults of the ghettos of West Kingston.
To my mind – almost all, [if not all] of the programs are relevant to our Anguilla context, and adaptable as a positive redemptive response of the Methodist Church to the national effort to resolve the many serious social and economic issues challenging the island communities at the present time.
What has been achieved at Operation Friendship was not accomplished all at once. The program started 59 – 60 years ago; various training programs were added as the man-power and finances, became available. This Anguilla Methodist Circuit has made a beginning; however, in my judgment, the time has come, by faith, to see the possibilities and organize to expand the mission.
The Board and Circuit, can be assured that the Executive Director of the Operation Friendship Company Ltd. the Revd. Dr. Webster Edwards, would welcome the opportunity, and do all in his power to accommodate such a visit to Operation Friendship, and give his assistance by way of advice and suggestions for the expansion of this Eleos Center Social Outreach Ministry of the Methodist Church.
[Information on Operation Friendship Ltd., is available on the Website of Operation Friendship at: friendshipjamaica.org ]
May the Lord God bless and prosper this Eleos Center Mission.
Cecil O.A.Weekes [Revd.]
Supernumerary minister of the MCCA
(Published without editing by The Anguillian newspaper.)