the Anguilla Development Board
Fishermen and Mechanics in Anguilla have benefitted from a two-week workshop on Small Engine Maintenance and Repair from August 12-23. The training was organised by the Anguilla Development Board (ADB) in collaboration with the Caribbean Development Bank (CDB) through its Caribbean Technological Consultancy Services (CCTS) network.
The training was conducted by Mr Spencer Grant, Head of Technical Studies at the H. LavityStoutt Community College in the British Virgin Islands, and his assistant, Mr Brent Fraser.
The workshop focused mainly on engine repair with respect to fishermen, taking into account the critical role of the fishing industry in Anguilla’s economy in terms of employment and contribution to the Gross Domestic Product (GDP). It was recognised that the expansion and development of the industry is hampered by such factors as the high incidence of engine failures at sea, long delays in repair and limited numbers of maintenance persons.
The workshop was conducted in two phases. The first phase was an initial five-day period which focused on the principles of small engine theory and operation, supported by hands-on exposure to basic operational functions and trouble-shooting procedures.
The second five-day phase focused on engine diagnostics, and repair techniques applied to various brands of engines, with particular emphasis on marine engines.
According to the Development Board, the workshop was intended to play a key role in addressing the above issues. It was designed to lend technical support to persons involved in the local fishing industry – and maintenance persons who provide mechanical support to the industry.
The closing ceremony at the end of the first phase of the workshop was addressed by Ms Ann Gumbs, Chairperson of the ADB; Dr Karl Dawson, President of the H LavityStoutt Community College; the faciliators (Mr Grant and Mr Fraser) and Mrs Bernie Sasso-Hodge, Deputy Manager of the ADB. The ceremony was chaired by Ms Heather Richardson, Senior Projects Officer with the ADB.
The sixteen workshop participants were Wilbert Lawrence, Brad-Lee Levon, Brandon Levon, Daisley Michael, KemrunTisson, Patrick Webster, Derek Gumbs, Joseph Melvin Webster, Renee Zamaal Smith, Garvin Fabian, Beverly Smith, Nikolas Mussington, Eric Webster, Cedric Phillips, Mitchell Hodge and Theon Richardson.