The Class of 2013 at the Vivien Vanterpool Primary School, at Island Harbour, graduated on June 25.
Deputy Principal, Marcia Brooks, advised the graduates going to the Comprehensive School to “continue to be respectful, obedient, honest, dedicated, hardworking and true.” She went on: “With these qualities in mind you will make Vivien Vanterpool School proud, your parents proud and, above all, Anguilla. Be strong, avoid evil and malicious company and keep away from all wrong-doing.
“Remember these words from your theme ‘Never Give Up’. Always remember them when an obstacle comes your way. Press on, and you will succeed…To the parents and guardians, be there for your children. Support them spiritually, morally and educationally as much as you can. Talk with them everyday about school, so that you can keep track of their progress to ensure that they remain focus.”