The above was the caption of an article in The Anguillian newspaper on September 28th 2012. It continued, “The recently-established D.O.V.E Centre (Developing Our Vision for Education) at the Alwyn Allison Richardson Primary School (AARPS), West End, is a new source of loving care and education for students with disabilities.”
Students with disabilities or limitations like other children need and deserve to feel loved and to be cared for in order to reach their full potential. The D.O.V.E Centre is an initiative undertaken by the Government of Anguilla ,under the leadership of the Ministry and Department of Education, to meet the specific and varying needs of children with severe and/or multiple developmental delay.
The Centre opened its doors to primary school-aged students from across the island on September 3rd 2012. Students in attendance benefit from more individual care and attention, and receive specific services depending on their individual needs. Some of these services may include Speech and Language Therapy and Counselling. The daily programme is built around the development of students’ fine and gross motor skills, life skills and enriched stimulated activities.
Reflecting on the past year, teachers and students at the Centre have been involved in several activities. These include Blossom Centre’s (a private Centre also dedicated to serving Anguilla’s children with special needs) visit to the D.O.V.E Centre in December, a Christmas party and the students participating in the Alwyn A. Richardson School’s Christmas concert. In March 2013, D.O.V.E Centre paid an exchange visit to the Blossom Centre. Here the students were able to socialize with other children with similar challenges. The time spent there was educational, as well as enjoyable.
During Special Needs Week, in March this year, the D.O.V.E Centre took part in the Special Needs exhibition at the Orealia Kelly Primary School. This was a huge success for all the schools involved. The D.O.V.E Centre’s focus was on building sensory awareness in students through the use of various materials such as sand, tree bark, paper, various seeds, rice and play dough in creating art projects. The school year culminated with the Centre taking part in the island wide, primary school exhibition in June, and a joint outing to Tropical Treats Fun House in George Hill, with the teachers and students of the Blossom Centre. Teachers and students alike, from both Centres, had an enjoyable time. In sum, it was a very busy year for the Centre but nevertheless productive and enjoyable.
The teachers and staff at the D.O.V.E. Centre will like to say a special “Thank You” to Runway Anguilla, The Learning Unlimited Preparatory School (St.Maarten), Mr Danny Laud, Mrs Renuka Harrigan, Mr Cardigan Connor and Mrs Yvonne Rafuse (Canada) for their donations and support throughout the school year 2012 – 2013.
The D.O.V.E Centre’s staff and students enjoy welcoming visitors at any opportunity and gifts of any kind are always welcomed. To make donations please contact the Principal of the AARPS, Mrs Ornette Edwards Gumbs, at 497 7848; or Mrs Violet Martin at 476 6136.
For inquires as to children’s admission to the Centre, please contact Education Officer, Multi- Professional Support Services, Mrs Jacqueline Jeffery-Connor at The Teachers’ Resource Centre at 497 5403.
– Press Release