Two hundred and forty-one students were registered for Form 1 at Campus B of the Albena Lake-Hodge Comprehensive Schoolduring the period Monday to Friday this week. It was the second largest number of new students there in recent times, the highest having been in 2012 when 242 were enrolled.
The students are recent graduates from the six public primary schools and the two private schools. The registrations from the various schools were as follows:
Valley Primary School: 64; Orealia Kelly School: 56; Adrian T. Hazell School: 43; Morris Vanterpool School: 22; Vivien Vanterpool School: 20; Alwyn Allison School: 20; Central Christian School: 12; and Omolulu Institute: 4.
The orientation sessions for the new Form 1 students will be on August 29 from 8.30 am -12 noon; and August 30 from 8.30 am-3.30 pm when lunch will be served.