The Anguilla Day Celebrations passed without serious incidents or accidents. Even though many persons who listened to the Chief Minister’s Address claimed that “the truth” suffered some very serious injuries. One listener commented that it is amazing how the CM has the knack of rewriting history at a moments notice — because once again he seemed to find a way to identify himself as standing at the vanguard of our Revolutionary struggle. But what else is new?
The Leader of the Opposition, the Honourable Evans McNiel Rogers, made a very patriotic address. The highlight of the presentation was his recognition of the contribution made to our homeland by the Diaspora in the United Kingdom, the U.S. Virgin Islands, St. Maarten-St Martin, the United States and other regions of the world where Anguillians have settled. He then concluded with a very emotional tribute to the Father of the Nation, the Honourable James Ronald Webster, especially in light of his decision to withdraw from all forms of public celebrations and “devote the closing days of his life to be in communion with his God”. We must celebrate this demonstration of humility and grace!
Let me also take this opportunity to extend my sincere congratulations to the very deserving honorees who were celebrated on this occasion as well as the other participants and organizers who made it all a wonderful event. It would be remiss of me not to mention the Anguilla Day Boat Race. Though weather conditions prevented the boats from pursuing the usual “around the island” route, they made the fans extremely happy, indeed ecstatic, with a heart-stopping finish that will remain a classic in the annals of this national sport. When the dust cleared, De Tree, De Real Deal and De Sonic, in that order, claimed the top prizes. And many bragging rights as well!
Like the many revelers who crowded the boat rides and the others who gathered at the finish in Sandy Ground — the festive weekend wiped out all memory of the statements made by the Chief Minister at the Webster Park with regard to a new battle he was planning to stage with the British Government and the Governor. But “lo and behold” on Monday morning, June 3rd, 2013, Upbeat Radio carried an exclusive interview with the Chief Minister outlining in graphic detail this latest conspiracy against his Government. The gist of the conspiracy, as I understand it, is that the Governor is planning to create a “one-stop shop” to deal with identity services like Immigration; Passport; Naturalization and Belongership. This “one-stop shop” will be under the complete control of the Governor. To be very cautious, let me state here that even if this was not what the Chief Minister meant — it certainly is the interpretation that many other listeners like myself, including talk show hosts, have gleaned from what he said in the interview.
The usual AUM “loudmouths” seem to be fully engaged in propagating this latest outrage. But based on my research it is seems that the Chief Minister is constructing another one of his usual smokescreens. To date, I have not been able to verify the reason for this new distraction. However, it is clear that it has absolutely nothing to do with his reason for not attending the APANY dinner in New York. That decision came from pressure from some of his own supporters who had been saying (rightly or wrongly) that he was cutting back on the Summer Festival, but yet he was spending money to attend a Dinner in New York. There is even further speculation that he is pursuing this new distraction to take pressure off the Cap Juluca issue that he seems unable to resolve.
What amazes me is the number of persons, including “so-called” journalists, who have not taken the time to ascertain the facts of this matter before creating an alarm. Firstly, it is mindboggling why the Chief Minister is acting as if the idea of a “one-stop shop” for these identity services is a novel to him. In fact, the idea was first initiated by his own “hand-picked” Immigration Services Consultant, Mrs. Cook — who worked in his earlier Administration. Secondly, the most important decision-making authority in Government, the Executive Council (EXCO), agreed and approved this proposed identity one-stop shop on December 1, 2011. At that Executive Council Meeting, the Chief Minister and all his Ministers, – plus the Hon. Jerome Roberts and the Hon. Haydn Hughes – were in attendance. This begs the question, why is the CM acting like this matter only came up last week? He and his Ministerial Colleagues agreed and approved it a year and a half ago!
This matter was taken to EXCO under the caption: “Anguilla Public Service Efficiency Review” and, among other things, the following actions were taken:
• Agreed that the Efficiency Review Steering Group should set up an identity one-stop shop in line with the analysis and recommendations of the Implementation Project.
• Approved the Organizational Structure of the new Department.
• Agreed that the new identity one-stop shop will be incorporated into the 2012 Government of Anguilla Budget as a unit within the Immigration Department.
These decisions taken in EXCO made way for the implementation of this new “identity one-stop shop” on July 1, 2013. The start-up date was supposed to be in January 2013 but was postponed for administrative reasons. My research has revealed that the Labour Department is not included in this “one-stop shop” as seems to come across from the CM’s rant. However, because it is already housed in the same building as the Immigration Department the required efficiencies can take place without amalgamation at this time.
The Chief Minister is also saying that this new arrangement will be directly under the control of the Governor’s Office. The facts do not bear this out. The newly created structure will be directly under the Minister of Immigration who is the Chief Minister at this time. Therefore, this move will in effect give the Chief Minister more control over Passports than is at present under the Public Administration, a Department of the Deputy Governor/Governor — and over Naturalization that is at present in the A.G.’s Chambers, yet another Department under the Deputy Governor/Governor.
Based on my experience in seeking services from the various identity divisions in Government, this proposal is a sound one. Too often we find ourselves running all over The Valley, from office to office, to avail ourselves of some of such services. It therefore seems that the sensible thing to do is to amalgamate them. Other than the seemingly unfounded charge that this entire initiative is a ruse to give the Governor control of these Departments — there is no credible argument against what is being proposed. Indeed, this is the model that many Administrations in the region are using. Could it be that the CM does not genuinely understand what is being recommended? Or is this another of his baseless conspiracy theories? Your guess is as good as mine. But the fundamental question remains: If the Chief Minister is correct, and is telling the truth, how can such things happen in his EXCO Meeting with all of his elected and appointed colleagues present? Was he sleeping at that time? Or is he simply “up to his usual games?”