The Junior Optimist Octagon International (JOOI) movement in Anguilla has recruited an astounding 80 members over the course of the current school term. The amazing increase is due mainly to the revival of the Super Stars Junior Optimist Club located at the Adrian T. Hazell Primary School which inducted 40 new members at an installation and induction ceremony and pizza evening, held on Wednesday 29 May 2013.
Also participating in the ceremony were the Innocent Minds JOOI Club located at the Orealia Kelly Primary School, which inducted 14 new members; the Best End JOOI Club located at the Morris Vanterpool Primary School which recruited 12 new members, the Believers JOOI Club from the Valley Primary School with 10 new members and the Kids for the Future JOOI Club which added 4 new members. The Ceremony not only inducted new members, but installed the Executive Boards of the clubs. The ceremony was conducted by JOOI Lieutenant Governor, Jose Vanterpool, a member of the Progressive Youth Octagon Club located at Campus A of the Albena Lake-Hodge Comprehensive School. The event was held at Valley Bistro in The Valley were the young Optimists were warmly hosted by Mr Scott Hauser and his staff.
The growth in the Super Stars JOOI Club is credited to the hard work of Optimist Juline Hughes and past Lt Governor of the Caribbean District, Optimist Emma Ferguson who were strongly supported by Ms Mavis Fleming-Drake, principal of the Adrian T. Hazell Primary School and a long standing friend of Optimist.
Junior Optimist Octagon International is the youth arm of the service organisation Optimist International which works under the mottos ‘Friend of Youth’ and ‘Bringing out the best in Children’. The Optimist Club of Anguilla, which sponsors six JOOI Clubs, would like to thank all the Junior Optimists, their parents and teachers for their support and enthusiasm as we continue to grow Optimism in Anguilla.
– Press Release
(Published without editing by The Anguillian newspaper.)