The pre-Anguilla day celebration has become traditional in many schools around the island as a means of celebrating Anguilla day and is seen important to the students during this year 2013.
Forty-six years celebrating boat racing, the culture wear and events in many ways is a re-enactment of traditional life and customs of the Anguillian people.
Boat-racing is the main attraction on Anguilla and Michealanne Benjamin a 7 years old, grade 2 student of Alwyn A. Richardson Primary school, article sends a strong message with her creativity, symbolism and interest for this island Anguilla, its people and her school in a summary as follow;
As I read in one of Anguilla’s history books, when plantation crops failed in the 1700’s Anguillians left the island to work on the cane fields of Macoris and La Romana on the island of the Dominican Republic. Anguillian sailors going to, or returning home from Santo Domingo, would race each other. The races became very competitive events and this was the beginning of what is now our national sport, Boat Racing. Today Boat Racing is a major event at several celebrations and holidays such as; Anguilla Day, August Sunday, August Monday, August Thursday and Festival Del Mar.
As seen here in this photo “De AARPS” is the name given by my mom to this racing boat and I believed it is one of the newest and most fantastic racing boat names anyone can come up with. The colors used on “De AARPS” was chosen by yours truly and put together by my mom. It was my idea to use the national colors on De AARPS being it’s a pre Anguilla day event at our school. These colors were used in the “Three Dolphins flag” of the Anguilla Revolution.
The Orange represents our sunshine and in heraldry orange is symbolic of strength and endurance.
The white represents our beaches and also signifies safety, purity, cleanliness and a successful beginning.
The turquoise represents our seas and skies; it is known to represent open communication and clarity of thought as well.
Additionally, on one of the sail of DE AARPS I decided to paste some pictures unveiling the Anguilla’s national symbols, such as:
? The shield
? The white cedar tree and flower
? The turtle Dove
? The ground lizard
? Our national dish
? A picture of boat racing, and at the top of the same sail, the national flag.
I believe it was a brilliant idea my mom came up with to give my display boat, the name after my school. So I decided to settle for it “DE AARPS”.
At present DE AARPS is ready to race. On your mark! Get set! GO!
(Published without editing by The Anguillian newspaper.)