The ALHCS was alive with a mix of Anguillian life past, present and future on Wednesday, 29th May.
The staff and students of ALHCS began the day with a vibrant assembly. It featured lusty singing of the National and School Songs, praise choruses and local songs. Reverend Lindsay Richardson gave a moving motivational address which captured the audience. He mixed past, present and future to encourage the ‘one’ person that it takes to have a vision and to pursue it and improve our island.
Tiana Richardson of Form 2 then performed a stirring rendition of ‘The Climb’. Following were acts of the same calibre with Trish Richardson dramatizing her original poem ‘The Good Old Days’. Mrs Lake then led in an exciting quiz based on the ‘Nuttin Bafflin’ DVD by David Carty. The bidding was then intense in an auction of artistic pieces from the Art Department.
Omari Banks graciously serenaded the audience but the show stopper was the Fashion Show. Students from Campus B modeled outfits they personally designed in their PSHE classes. All outfits utilized Anguillia’s national colours. The ALHCS Steel Orchestra was on hand and capped off the morning’s assembly, which was chaired by Teacher Colin Johnson.
The jollification was more widespread in the afternoon session of Heritage Fest. Students were treated to various displays featuring the island’s past as well as plans for its future development. They also had the opportunity to join in the making of Johnny cakes, potato pudding, corn soup and pea soup cooked on the traditional ‘three rocks’.
On sale were barbecue chicken, fry cakes, peas and rice, local drinks, snow cones, cake, muffins and cookies decorated in the national colours. The popular oversized cake was this year again on display. This year it depicted the Anguilla flag blowing in the wind. The cake was partly sponsored by Ashley & Sons, baked by Hall’s Unique Bakery and designed by Teacher Mary Smith.
Tuk and The Boys entertained the school village for the afternoon. Fun games kept students very active and excited.
Principal of the ALHCS, Mrs. Ingrid Lake, expressed disappointment that only a quarter of the school’s population was in attendance and dismay that parents would allow their children to refuse to attend school. All who attended, however, were extremely pleased with the day’s events.
Overall, Heritage Fest 2013 was indeed a time of learning, reflection and jollification!
– Contributed