At the Annual General Meeting of the Soroptimist Club, Patron Rosena Brooks applauded members for their work in the past year saying that despite challenges they have succeeded because of their perseverance and determination. She urged them to keep up the good work and challenged them to pay attention to human trafficking that is becoming a problem in Anguilla.
At the meeting the Presidency was handed over from Carmencita Davis to Donnette Richardson. The outgoing President thanked her executive committee and presented each with a rose. She said that efforts were made to upgrade the Day Care Centre and that attendance at meetings needs to improve. She urged members to continue to develop the spirit of friendship and wished the new President good luck.
Treasurer Anita Brooks reported on income and expenditure and the current position of bank accounts. Secretary Josephine Gumbs gave a full report on activities during the year for each committee. She said there are currently 37 Club members and several potential new members. She reported on the Day Care Centre, the fundraising events, the speakers during the year and regional and international conferences. Other reports were given by Programme Action Convener, Denise Romney, Councillor Linda Banks.
President Donnette thanked the past president and executive noting that Soroptimist International plays a very important role in bringing women together to improve the lives of women and children worldwide. She said that her focus this year will be to improve the Day Care Centre that has been in existence since 1988. She urged each member to work hard, to attend meetings and to pull their weight in the club’s activities. “We are women, we are strong,” she concluded.
The new Executive Committee includes President Donnette Richardson, Immediate Past President Carmencita Davis, President Elect, Pamela Connor, Vice President Maryse West, Treasurer Anita Brooks, Secretary Josephine Gumbs, Programme Action Denise Romney, Councillor Linda Banks and Committee members Maryse West, Stella Horsford, Alison Carty and Violet Berry.