![Mr. Victor Banks](https://theanguillian.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/04/DSC_6810-250x300.jpg)
It is a distinct pleasure for me to be able to highlight the positive achievements of our young people whenever the occasion arises. Especially in light of the frequent negative reports about our youth that may cause many persons in our community to use the “broad brush” approach and place all of them in the same category. Once again, a young lady associated with the Anguilla Tennis Academy has been awarded a tennis scholarship to pursue studies at a University in the United States. Ms. Avern Gumbs, who is turning seventeen next month, will be receiving a scholarship valued at over US$30,000 per year to attend the prestigious Clark Atlanta University, beginning in September, for a period of four years.
This is certainly a remarkable achievement not only for young Ms. Gumbs but also her parents (Avonella Griffith and Vernon Gumbs); her teachers and coaches, as well as the founders and benefactors of the Anguilla Tennis Academy (ATA), in particular the visionary CEO of ATA, Mr. Mitchelle Lake. Ms. Gumbs joins other success stories, Mr. Keithroy Proctor and Ms. Nzingha Banks, on the ATA Wall of Fame. Hopefully, this represents an ever-growing cadre of young people who have used the “pathway of excellence in Sports” to realize their dreams and ambitions for tertiary education. Obviously, the attitude and approach of these focused young people a function of the environment in which they have been nurtured: their homes; their schools; their churches; their communities and institutions like the Anguilla Tennis Academy. It is not about magic or good luck — it is about hard work and commitment from all of the above.
It is in this context that I stand amazed at the obvious lack of regard for education that seems to pervade the thinking of the elected members of this Government. The seemingly willful delay in the passage of the Education Bill and their attitude towards, and comments made about, the Teachers Association during their recent industrial action, are a blatant example of the lack of importance they place on this issue. And most disturbing of all, is the Chief Minister’s comment in the Anguilla House of Assembly. Upon making the point that his son, the Parliamentary Secretary, was the most qualified Tourism “Minister” in the region, the Chief Minister intimated that he did not need university training because he (the CM) bought him all the books required to fulfill that role. And furthermore, this Government’s choices for persons to fill key positions on Boards and other Statutory Bodies, are also a testimony to this approach. This approach must be determined to be the main reason why they appear to be stumbling from crisis to crisis.
The Eunuch of Ethiopia, as recorded in Acts chapter 8, demonstrates the importance of instruction when Philip the Apostle asked him if he understood what he was reading in the prophet Isaiah. The Eunuch replied: “How can I, unless I have someone to guide me?” Obviously, like the Eunuch of Ethiopia, Haydn is a very powerful man in his father’s Government, but reading books is not sufficient for him to become the most qualified Minister of Tourism in the region. He needs to be guided or instructed. The fact that he has not been able to translate what he reads into a clear understanding of the issues affecting Anguilla became very apparent on “Get to the Point” Talk Show on Monday night. Actually, the majority of listeners to the Show were very much annoyed by the fact that both guest and host left the show without signing off and/or saying Goodnight. This was quite different to last Monday when the guest, the host and the “usual callers” seemed to relish in a dramatic reading of a nine-year old document ascribed to me.
So what was the difference between the two shows? Many listeners are yet to figure out the significance of that document, which the Parliamentary Secretary read, to the issues at hand. And, furthermore, how does that document make the case for apportioning the blame for the Cap Juluca situation on its author Victor Banks? There are two theories being advanced, namely, either the Parliamentary Secretary, like the Eunuch, did not understand what he was reading, or the Parliamentary Secretary was using that exercise to willfully stem the flow of callers and “bamboozle” them with a lengthy unchallenged discourse. Simply put: “smoke and mirrors”. I tried unsuccessfully last week, for over an hour to get a call in edge ways. No dice!
This Monday night, however, was different. First of all, after having been assured by the Management that I would be on the Show — the Host seemed either to have different ideas or other plans. Reportedly, the Host said that he could not accommodate me because he had promised the Parliamentary Secretary that he could come back and finish last week’s Oscar-winning performance. I cannot say that I doubt the sincerity of that apology — but it did put a damper on the things. However, the questions to the Parl. Sec. came fast and furious and, eventually, the inconsistencies of his statements were unraveled by a number of callers who were not prepared to accept his “cat and mouse” responses and exchanges on substantive issues. Little wonder that he had to practically sneak off the Show.
The Leader of the Opposition, the Honorable Evans McNiel Rogers, who was a frequent caller on the Show on Monday will be delivering a major address tonight (Tuesday 14th May) to place the facts on the Cap Juluca issue in the public domain with the documentation. I expect it to be published in The Anguillian in its entirety. I therefore will not belabour those issues in this article, but I find it necessary to comment briefly on the “Marvet Britto” controversy which the Parliamentary Secretary (Parl. Sec.) tried to defend in an interview on Radio Anguilla.
I will not pretend to understand the logic of the Britto Agency, on contract for two years ending February 2015, at a purported cost of EC$1 million to provide public relations for Anguilla, given the fact that we also have the Cheryl Andrews Agency contracted. Having said that, I would expect that the Ministry of Tourism; the Tourist Board and the other Stakeholder Agencies might have a very good reason for doing so. I would hope, nevertheless, that it is a better reason than the one stated by Haydn, namely, “the more the merrier”. Neither can I accept Haydn’s reasoning that the Governor is opposing the contract for Ms. Britto because she is not a “white male”. This seems to be a most unfair conclusion given the fact that the Governor raised a number of issues (to which Haydn did not adequately respond) as follows: –
1. Was there a good reason to increase the sum paid to Britto over and above what she was awarded earlier?
2. Will the terms of reference ensure good value for money?
3. Did the award of the contract involve persons who should not have become involved in the process? (Please note that the Governor did not say the Political Directorate was involved.)
In addition to the Governor’s disassociation with the decision, the Parliamentary Secretary must also explain why the decision to hire the Britto Agency caused concerns for two successive Chairmen of the Anguilla Tourist Board as well as a number of other Board Members. In fact, the last Chairman allegedly resigned because he was not prepared to sign the Contract for the Britto Agency.
And one other interesting footnote to the matter is that we have been hearing that the Governor runs EXCO and prevents the Government from getting things done. A good question then is, how was the Government able to get the contract approved over the objection of the Governor? Does the Governor’s Powers, in EXCO, depend on the willingness of the AUM Government to take responsibility for its decisions? Or is this whole talk about the Governor’s obstructionism an excuse for the Government’s incompetence or dereliction of duty?
Those who were expecting a repeat performance from the Parliamentary Secretary this week must have been highly disappointed by his hurried departure from the program. It came after an uncharacteristic silence in the studio. And it caused one of my colleagues to comment — even from the passage of Scripture read by the Eunuch of Ethiopia: “He was led as a sheep to the slaughter; and like a lamb dumb before his shearer, so he opened not his mouth.”