Henry Wadsworth Longfellow proclaims that the heights by great mean reached and kept, were not attained by sudden flight, but they, while their companions slept, were toiling upward in the night. After a four and half year journey through a valley of experiences at University of the Southern Caribbean (USC), on the 19th May 2013, Mr. Leriano Webster from Island Harbour, Anguilla, graduated Magna Cum Laude with a Bachelors of Arts in Theology with an emphasis in Pastoral Ministry. Due to Mr. Webster’s high academic achievement in his faculty, Mr. Webster received a glass trophy, for graduating with the Second highest Grade Point Average from the School of Theology and Religion. He often asserts that “successful people do not read the news, they make the news.” Mr. Webster was the President of the Graduating Class of 2013 where he was able to utilize profound qualities and dynamic skills. In his address at the graduation weekend, he profoundly stated, “do not follow where the path may lead. Go, instead, where there is no path and leave a trail.” This is one principle that has aided him in reaching this far. Dr. Vernon Andrews, the President of USC Alumni Association, stated that “I have been attending graduations at this institution for over 60 years and Mr. Webster’s speech is the best I have heard from a Class President.” Mr. Webster also served as the Vice President of the Associated Student Body 2012-2013. One of his main duties was the publication of the Yearbook. It was said that the Yearbook he did for the graduating class is the best Yearbook the institution has ever had. Mr. Webster believes whatever you do, do it to the best of your ability.
Mr. Webster was an outstanding and very active student at the illustrious USC and has truly left his mark on this campus. He was an honor student, consistently making the Dean’s list and Vice President for the four and half years. He has also served in leadership capacities such as: an Ex-officio member of the North Carib Club Executive 2012-2013, the President of the North Carib Club 2011-2012, Chaplain of the Ministerial Association 2011-2012, Chaplain of the Men’s Club 2010-2011, Chaplain of the North Carib Club 2009-2011 and Sabbath School Teacher at the Caring University Church 2009-2011. Mr. Webster was also the Male Winner of an event called the Portraits of Excellence in 2012, scholarship/research programme, where he earned a full year Tuition Scholarship. He also won best research paper and best community project. As a result of this, he earned the title Mr. USC where he served as an Ambassador for the school and a role model to others. He had the opportunity of promoting USC in Trinidad and Tobago, St. Lucia, and Suriname. On the 4th of May 2013 he was ordained as an Elder of the Seventh-day Adventist Church. These colourful accolades has aided in his personal development and has equipped him for his future ministerial endeavors. Mr. Webster perceives a leader as one who knows the way, goes the way, and shows the way and that a great leader’s courage to fulfill his vision comes from passion, not position. He believes that he did not ascertain a degree, but a well-rounded experience that will aid him in life. He elucidates that “graduation is not the ending, but only the beginning.”
Mr. Webster is a very inspiring, energetic, passionate young man who dreams to one day become an International Evangelist where he can influence others to seek God, affirm the faith and change the world. He hopes to begin his ministerial internship later this year with the North Caribbean Conference of Seventh-day Adventists and in the near future complete his Masters. His motto is that the task ahead of you is never as great as the force behind you-Jesus. Samuel Webster and Judith Webster say they are extremely proud of their Son’s accomplishment and pledge to give him all the support he needs in ministry.
He would like to express sincere gratitude to the following persons who made his journey a success at USC. He says thanks to God for his strength, guidance, his wisdom and Protection. He says thanks to His wonderful Parents, Samuel Webster and Judith Webster and his siblings, Sourisa Webster and Saqlain Webster for their consistent support, prayers and outstanding love. He says thanks to his grandmothers, Mildred Smith and Zelmera Webster, his Aunts Joan Johnson, Alma Gumbs, his Uncles Griffin Webster, Evan Webster and other relatives for being a helping hand and a vital source of encouragement. He extends a heartfelt appreciation to Jerriece Fleming, his significant other, for her support and love. He expresses thanks to his second family who inspired him to become a Seventh-day Adventist Christian, Conrad Gumbs, Enna Gumbs and Conlloyd Gumbs. Special thanks to friends and mentors/family such as Maria Webster, Malcolm Webster, Johanne Webster, Avon Webster and Wilkin Harrigan for their well wishes and advice and lastly, thanks to Pastor Danny Phillip, Pastor Carl Hastings, Pastor Virgil Sams, Pastor Cecil Richardson of Central Baptist Church and the Mount Fortune Seventh-day Adventist Church for their prayers.
Congratulations to Leriano Webster in completing another milestone in his Life, a Bachelors of Arts in Theology with an emphasis in Pastoral Ministry (Magna Cum Laude). Ellen G. White proclaims “higher than the highest human thoughts can reach is God’s Ideal for his children.”
– Contributed