Anguilla’s Literary Festival, dubbed Lit Fest, has been deemed a success by Ms Nikki Giovanni, one of the distinguished headlined authors at the event.
The literary event, now in its second year, was held during the period May 23-26. It has caught the attention of many residents who were in attendance.
Ms Giovanni, the Poet and award-winning Author, spoke to The Anguillian. “I’m very pleased to be here at the jollification. This is its second year and, as you know, it takes ten years for a festival to be well on its way,” she said. “I don’t think you will find a problem in getting authors to come here because it is certainly a nice place. This is my first visit, but it certainly won’t be my last.”
She celebrated her 70th birthday in Anguilla with a special event held at Bankie Banx’s Dune Preserve. The Anguilla Tourist Board organized a special poetry night there when a number of local and overseas guests read some of their poems and also paid tribute to Ms Giovanni.
Author and Performance Poet, Yasus Afari, from Jamaica, entertained the crowd with his specially-written poems paying tribute to mother earth as well as Ms Giovanni. His poem to Ms Giovani encouraged her to continue writing, using the phrase “Don’t stop whine pun paper.”
Another A-listed person at the event was author and MSNBC Host, Mr Toure Neblett. He made a presentation on one of his books, shedding light on his personal experience and speaking on what to be black in America meant to him. He commended the organizers and spoke highly of Lit Fest, calling it an “Amazing experience.”
One of the members of the Anguilla Lit Fest Committee, Ms Stephanie Oliver, who was instrumental in sourcing the authors, publishers and other notable literary luminaries, said this year’s Lit Fest went absolutely well.
She regretted that some authors were unable to come to Anguilla, but promised that they would be on the island next year for Lit Fest.
Ms Oliver highlighted a few of the likely names for next year’s event. They include Nicholas Sparks, author of the Note Book and Safe Haven, and Ms Margaret Atwood – a Canadian poet, novelist, literary critic, essayist, and environmental activist.
She also extended thanks to the many sponsors and persons who assisted in this year’s Lit Fest which was held under the theme “A Literary Jollification.”