As a follow-up to two NCDS participants attending the Anguilla Community College “Leadership at Every Level” class in April, Mr. John Rickards, Manager of National Commercial Data Services (NCDS), requested a dedicated session for the entire team at once. The seminar was conducted by Melinda Goddard, Principal of ClienTell® Consulting, LLC.
As NCDS provides vital data and transactions information technology services during banking hours, extended Saturday sessions were required to allow full attendance without impacting client services. All present said they would “definitely recommend” the seminar and acknowledged various aspects they would apply to their work and departments. Enhanced leadership skills will also add value when providing technical support and training clients and their teams on new applications and systems.
Mr. Rickards noted, “Having our own class after regular business hours not only allowed us to learn together as a team, but also to specifically relate the leadership material to developing accountability and more proactive and effective interactions with both NCDS clients and colleagues.”
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