On Saturday 27th April 2013 the JC Recreational Centre (JCRC) in South Hill held the closing session of the 2nd Youth Fitness Association Programme which was for youth between the ages of 15 and 19 years who were interested in learning how to work out and use the gym correctly. The closing session included the distribution of Certificates of Participation by Dr. Bonnie Richardson-Lake, PS for Health and Social Development and Chairperson of the Anguilla Community Foundation.
As well as learning gym etiquette and how the equipment works, students were also introduced to a basic safe strength-training routine. The Youth Fitness Association (YFA) Programme ran for three Saturdays (13th, 20th and 27th April from 10-11:30 am) and was facilitated by Coach Louis Price who has over 30 years of experience in fitness and working with youth. As a result, an added component of the course was a classroom session where the youth learnt practical techniques for goal setting, staying positive and stress management, which they can implement immediately.
This programme, sponsored by the Anguilla Community Foundation, provided each participant with a health & fitness booklet, a bangle with the logo “Stronger, Healthier, More Energy!”, dumbbells for use during the sessions, and online support through the JCRC website –
The JCRC would like to thank the Anguilla Community Foundation for its generous financial donation that resulted in the completion of 2 quarterly workshops. Thanks also to Dr. LeRoy Hill of Hill Concepts; Dr. Louden of the Anguilla Community College; HiTek Signs and Designs and Mr. Travis Reid for the support they provided for the success of the programme.
With the completion of this second cycle of the programme over 30 youth from all over Anguilla have been exposed to the course and now have the benefit of using the gym at the JCRC for free on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays.
Students were asked to complete an unsigned evaluation, and the feedback indicates that the programme was interesting and helpful: “Basically it is helping me to become stronger and stress free”; “I feel better about my image” and they to learn more: “Coach [Louis] knows his stuff well and this programme should be continued”.
The JC Recreational Centre in South Hill plans to implement this programme every three months and youth between the ages of 15 and 19 years, male and female, are advised to register on the sign-up page of the website www.jcrecreationalcentre.org. Scan the QR code below to go straight to the site.
Any persons or organisations interested in financially sponsoring one or more of the quarterly sessions, please email jcrecreationalcentre@gmail.com.
Article contributed by Ms. Jaine Rogers, Director of the JC Recreational Centre.