On Saturday May 18th 2013, Shellya Rogers graduated Summa Cum laude from the University of Wisconsin- Stevens Point with a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Arts Management and minors in Political Science and Business Administration. The daughter of Annette Carty and the late Belden Rogers, Ms. Rogers distinguished herself as an exceptional student during her time at University. She was inducted into 5 honor societies including Phi Eta Sigma, Omicron Delta Kappa and Phi Kappa Phi National Honor societies. She received the Vice Chancellor’s leadership award and served as the Vice President of both the Black Student Union and the National Political Science honor society at the University. She proudly represented Anguilla each year at the International Dinner, bearing both the islands flag and national colours.
In addition to her achievements over her 4 year University career, Ms. Rogers was honoured in April and May with two very distinguished awards. On April 23rd she received the Chancellors Leadership award, given to no more than 50 seniors in a graduating class of over 1500. On May 17th, Ms. Rogers was bestowed with the Universities highest award, the James Albertson Medallion Award; awarded to the top 1% of the graduating class who have shown exceptional achievements in leadership roles, academic excellence and community service.
One day later Shellya Rogers was given the honor of serving as the 2013 commencement speaker. The only black student to have ever been given this honor in the University’s history. As a result of this achievement over 20 of her family and friends from Anguilla were honored to be seated in honored guest seating as they witnessed her speech.
During Shellya’s time at UWSP, she volunteered with the Salvation Army, Habitat for Humanity, Empty bowls, The Stevens Point Boys and Girls Club and attended countless conferences as an executive member of the black Student Union. She also worked as a Math tutor and a dining services attendant while still finding time to play her favorite sport, football.
A former Miss Talented Teen and Miss Anguilla, Ms. Rogers continues to represent her family and island well. Ms. Rogers will be returning to Anguilla to serve as a Programme Officer at the Department of Youth and Culture on June 1st. It is her hope to further her studies in the near future as she aspires to serve her island in an even higher capacity; public office. Her only regret is that her Father(Belden Rogers) and grandmother(Mary Petty) are not alive to share in her success. We are very proud of all that Shellya has accomplished.