Commentators fell all over themselves, in describing Zharnel Hughes’s (Black and Gold track Club) victory in the much anticipated boys U20 100m dash. The tall, lanky Hughes rushed from behind, following a slow start and motored his way to first place in a time of 10:44 seconds. His exploits relegated the heavily favored Jazeel Murphy from Jamaica into second place.Zharnel’s time ranks as the 13th fastest male junior in the world according to All Athletics.com. Unfortunately he could only muster a 4th in the 200m finals, with a time of 20:77 seconds.
Anguilla’s other athletes made a very good showing. Richelle Meade (Elite athletics Club) established a new junior high jump record with a leap of 1:55m and placed 9th. In long jump, she produced a leap of 5:30m, subsequently placing 8th. Deon Vanterpool (Diamonds athletics Club) reached a new personal best in the Javelin throw, with a distance of 51.61m. Theron Niles (Elite athletics Club) placed 6th in the finals with a height of 1.85m. Fifteen year old Aiden Hazzard (Black and Gold track club), shaved some three seconds from his previous 800m time to produce a person best of 2:06. Unfortunately he narrowly missed the finals of the boys 800m
The Anguilla Amateur Athletics Federation (AAAF) would like to express its gratitude to the coaches, Mrs. Heather Richardson and Mr. Alexis Ryan and athletes for their hard work in preparation for the games. The AAAF would also like to thank the aforementioned athletics clubs and their coaches who played an integral part in their athlete’s preparation.
– Press Release
(Published without editing by The Anguillian newspaper.)